Selection of Remedies with the Useful Reference Books

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Selection of Remedies with the Useful Reference Books

Post by jaykrish1966 »

mrs. X, 61 years 09-05-2019.pdf
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mrs. X, 61 years 09-05-2019.pdf
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Dr. James Tyler Kent, in his Lesser Writings says, “Homoeopathy has not become popular because of defective books as well as because of defective use of books.” What are the reference books in day-to-day practice that are indispensable and the best. They are:

1. The great Dr. Samuel Lilienthal’s HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS.

2. Wilkinson’s MAT. MEDICA. (Not the entire ten volumes of Hering’s GUIDING SYMPTOMS OF OUR MAT. MEDICA are useful. In this 10-volume book, under each remedy, symptoms given in the paras ‘Mind’ ‘Tissues’ and ‘Stages of Life and Constitution’ alone are useful. Therefore, I have taken out these and compiled it by giving the title WILKINSON’S MATERIA MEDICA.)

3. The great Dr. Calvin B. Knerr’s REPERTORY.

4. Dr. William Boericke’s MAT. MEDICA.

5. The great Dr. W. A. Yingling’s ACCOUCHEUR’S EMERGENCY MANUAL.

6. Dr. J. T. Kent’s REPERTORY.

Many homoeopaths object to the use of Lilienthal, because he gives only a few symptoms for each remedy under various diseases. These homoeopaths are under the illusion that we have to prescribe on totality-of-symptoms; so, they consider anger, irritability, restlessness, etc. etc. These practitioners forget to note that ‘totality-of-symptoms’ is to be read with Section 153 of the Organon, which says that we have to prescribe on ‘uncommon-rare-strange-peculiar symptoms.’ Thus, it must always be said that we have to prescribe on ‘totality of uncommon-rare-strange-peculiar’ symptoms.

Dear readers, such “uncommon, rare-strange-peculiar symptoms” in any given case would be one, or, in rare cases, at the most, two only. Lilienthal contains such ‘uncommon-rare-strange-peculiar’ symptoms alone and thus and therefore, it is only a few lines in each remedy under various diseases!

More than ninety per cent of cases can be cured by the use of one or more of the six reference books listed above. However, ninety-nine per cent of practitioners do not have a copy of Lilienthal, Knerr, Yingling and/or Wilkinson. If all homoeopaths use these books in their day-to-day practice, we can easily close down more than seventy per cent of allopathy hospitals all over the world.

Actual cases cured by referring to the above reference books are given below:

(A) Cases treated and cured with the help of Lilienthal:
Case 1: A middle-aged man was suffering from loss of voice for a few years; along with this, he also had another complaint. Whenever he touched any metallic object he would feel electric shock and so was always wearing gloves; would avoid steel cot or metallic bucket etc. In Lilienthal (page 39), under the chapter Aphonia, twelve remedies are described. Under the remedy Sulphur, we find the words “excite animal electricity”. This agreed with the symptoms of the patient. Sulphur 1M, single dose cured both aphonia and electric shock like sensations.

Case 2: The mother of an eleven-year-old boy brought his son, said to be suffering from worms. He was having frequent spasmodic movement of arms and his features were violent. In allopathy, they gave double the adult dose of santonine, all in vain. A homoeopath gave Cina-30 (to be given daily morning) and Graphites-30 (daily evening) for the boy’s another complaint—skin eruption on his left forearm with gluey discharge. The mother said that even after giving these two medicines for one month there had been no relief. I was noting down on the case sheet without interrupting her.
[Section 84 of the Organon is as important as Section 153 and 213. A case well taken is half-cured. Ignorance of Section 84 means 50% failure in practice. That Section reads thus: “He (the patient) details the history of his sufferings; those about him tell what they heard him complain of, how he has behaved and what they have noticed in him . . . The practitioner writes down accurately all that the patient and his friends have told him. Keeping silence himself, he allows them to say all they have to say, and refrains from interrupting them. Every interruption breaks the train of thought of the narrator, and all he would have said at first does not again occur to them in precisely the same manner after that.”]
Dear reader, write it on the wall. “Keeping silence himself, the practitioner allows the patient to say all that they have to say, and refrains from interrupting them.”
After a pause, the mother concluded, “Doctor, ever since the onset of this worm complaint six months ago, he often complains of vertigo and headache. What is it due to, doctor?”
I read all the thirty-four remedies in the chapter WORM AFFECTIONS in the mega reference work Lilienthal. Both ‘vertigo’ and ‘headache’ were found together under one remedy only viz., Cicuta Virosa. I gave one dose in the 1M Potency. He was completely cured (both skin and spasmodic violent movement of limbs.)
Thanks to Lilienthal! Cina is not the only one remedy for worms!
Case 3: A case of colic. This woman complained of agonizing cramp like pain in abdomen. Many times, she screamed with acute pain accompanied by vomiting and with greenish diarrhoeic stool. She consulted various allopaths and homoeopaths but no one could cure her. In Lilienthal, I turned to the chapter ‘Colic’ and read all the remedies given therein. Under one remedy only, viz., Cuprum met. I found the words “lack of reaction” and with one single dose of this remedy, the patient got total relief.
Without Lilienthal, the above cases could not have been cured!
(B) Actual cases cured by referring to another gigantic work, Dr. Calvin
B. Knerr’s Repertory are given below:

Case 4: A patient suffering from malaria for more than six months was treated in vain by allopaths and homoeopaths. During consultation with me, he ended up saying, “Doctor, I get the chill-heat-fever syndrome daily in the evening. However, ever since the onset of this malaria, I get pain in my chest in the morning; what is it due to, doctor?”

A symptom occurring during the evening chill-fever-sweat syndrome belongs to the pathology of malaria; hence common. However, symptom occurring during apyrexia does not belong to malaria, but belongs to the patient; hence ‘uncommon’ and so, more valuable.

KNERR’S REPERTORY—FEVER, intermittent, apyrexia: pain in chest: Sabad.
Sabadilla cured the above six-month old case of malaria. Our salutes to the unparalleled Dr. Knerr. Which other Repertory gives symptoms of malaria during apyrexia?

Case 5: Once I happened to go to a homoeo clinic where a couple was practising, husband a post-graduate (M.D. Hom.) and his wife a graduate (BHMS). I just asked them what remedy they would give to a pregnant woman, where, at her fourth month, the scan report showed the child had a growth of two months only (and the attending allopathy person doctor suggested termination of pregnancy). The husband said he would try Sepia because it is his ‘favorite’ remedy for women’s complaints. I turned to his wife who said that she preferred Pulsatilla being her ‘favorite’ remedy for emergencies of pregnancy! I told them that I had cured three such cases with one single dose of Secale cornutum - 10M and showed them the following in Calvin B.

Knerr’s Repertory.
PREGNANCY, foetus, arrests development: Sec.

They do not have a copy of Knerr and the husband said that he does not believe in Knerr!?!?? Every homoeopath is practising “apna” (his own) homoeopathy. Awake from your slumber! The hour is late!
Case 5: A student of ours from Bangalore reports as to how he had cured almost instantaneously the toothache of his wife at midnight, without the need to rush to a doctor at odd hour: “Dear Dr. Krishnaamurthy, Thank you for introducing me to homoeopathy and the wonderful book Dr. Calvin B. Knerr’s Repertory. One night, my wife got up and complained of toothache. I did not own a vehicle to go to a
doctor. I opened Knerr and went through the remedies described under ‘Toothache’. My eyes stopped at the following:

TOOTHACHE—at night only, compelling one to rise and walk about: Mag-c.

“Yes, she was walking up and down the room. I have almost all homoeo remedies. I gave her only one pill of the remedy Magnesia carb. Moments later the pain stopped and she went to bed and slept.
“I have come across many homoeopaths—both at lower and at the top levels and the disappointing thing is none of them is having nor using Knerr’s Repertory. How can our system become popular? God alone can
save homoeopathy.”

Case 6: A child was admitted in an allopathic hospital and doctors told that it was a case of meningitis. I called aside the mother and asked her to tell me from the beginning. She said that while giving food, the child suddenly started crying and when she lifted it to pacify it, it was stretching its hands as if to take hold of her face.

Knerr’s Repertory: MIND AND DISPOSITION; Weeping, sudden, with clutching of hair, or nurse’s face (cerebro-spinal meningitis): Dig.

Digitalis-1M was given—one dose. After a day, the child was discharged.
We are yet to come across a failure with the use of Lilienthal, Knerr, Boericke, Yingling, Wilkinson’s and/or Kent.

We do not recommend any other reference book. Without the six books mentioned in this article, one cannot hope for success in practice.

(C) Now, actual cases cured by referring to William's Boericke MATERIA MEDICA;

Case 7: Mr. N., 57 years, reported: “Doctor, daily morning I get headache; in the afternoon, after lunch I have distension of abdomen, gastric troubles. In the night I get terrible pain in the leg…”
Repertory is of no use in this case. We have to learn by rote certain rare-strange-peculiar symptoms. The case is very simple. His symptom is to be classified as follows:

“Aggravation of head symptoms in the morning; abdomen in the afternoon and legs in the night.”
Under the remedy Ammonium mur. (Boericke’s Mat. Med.) the following is specified:

Its periods of aggravations are peculiarly divided as to the bodily region affected; thus the head and chest symptoms are worse mornings, the abdominal in the afternoon, the pains in the limbs, the skin and febrile symptoms, in the evenings.

One single dose of Amm-mur-10M cured him.

Case 8: A primipara (first pregnancy woman) was having morning sickness from her third month until the sixth month. [In the case of patients who are far away and cannot visit you in person, you may ask them to WRITE DOWN THEIR SYMPTOMS/COMPLAINTS ON PAPER IN THEIR OWN HANDWRITING and send it to you.] As the above patient was in a faraway place, she was asked to write down in her own handwriting her symptoms as if she is telling her friend about her complaints. Her letter is given below.
“After full meals, when get up to wash hands I would vomit all the items of food that I had taken, one by one in the reverse order. In addition, I feel foetus is turning and kicking causing pain in a particular spot. When a heavy truck goes on the road making a thunder noise, I feel that noise hitting in that place where the kick of the child causes pain.”

Case repertorisation:

Boericke’s Repertory (last chapter) MODALITIES (p.970)—AGGRAVATION:
[After taking food as she gets up, she vomits; for this ‘jar’ was taken.]
Jar — Ars., Bell., Berb. v., Bry., Cic., Crot., Glon., Ign., Nux-v., Spig., Ther.

Noise —Acon., Asar., Bell., Bar., Calad., Cham., Cinch., Cocc., Coff., Colch., Ferr., Glon., Ign., Lyc.,

Mag. m., Med., Nux-m., Nux-v., Onos., Phos., Solan-lyc., Spig., Tar-h., Ther.
Six remedies viz., Bell., Glon., Ign., Nux-v., Spig., and Ther. are common to the above two lists. All these six remedies were studied in Boericke’s Mat. Medica.

In the remedy Theridion in Boericke’s Mat. Medica, I found the following:
Sensitive to noise; it penetrates the body... Noises seem to strike on painful spots over the body.
Theridion-30, single dose completely stopped the vomiting and pain < by noise. The reader need not ask why 30th potency. Any potency would work. Correct remedy selection—the similimum, is more important that its potency.

The problem with the average Indian readers is that in the use of books they skip the Introduction and Preface. Most of the readers say that at the end of most remedies in his Mat. Medica, Dr. William Boericke recommends low potencies. This is not correct. In the preface he says, “The dosage needs some apology... It is wholly to be disregarded.”

(D) Cases treated by the use of The Accoucheur’s Emergency Manual by the great Dr. W. A. Yingling
Case 9: A pregnant woman in a village went to a town for delivery. The doctors in a nursing home after examining her, declined to admit her because instead of descending, the uterus was in the upward position. She was then taken to the Govt. hospital. Upon examining her, even they said that a major surgery had to be done and since the senior surgeon was not available, they would not admit her. She came home weeping and came to me. I turned to Yingling. On page 229, we find the following:
Upward, uterus seems to go: Cimic.

Just one single dose of Cimicifuga (Actaea recemosa)-10M was given. Within minutes, she felt some movements in her abdomen, the uterus coming down to its correct position and developed labor pains: so, was rushed to the hospital. This time, upon examining her, the attending doctor found everything to be normal and so admitted her and it was a caesarean-free delivery! Does the reader need any further or better justification for having a copy of Yingling?

Dr. Yingling’s Emergency Manual is for medical emergencies in abnormal conditions of parturition, those which occur directly before, during, or after labor or abortion. It does not deal with those conditions wherein the physician has plenty of time for consideration, as in many ailments during gestation, and those following some days after delivery. It is strictly an emergency manual, yet containing all the symptoms of the rubrics treated of, and many indication of remedies not usually considered critical, as it is impossible to tell beforehand what symptoms may be the keynotes in the emergency hour to either save life or prevent undue suffering. Strictly speaking, only those conditions endangering life would be emergency conditions, but as any undue suffering or abnormality may be the precursor or direct cause of the emergency condition, indications of remedies covering these must, of necessity, are included in the book The Accoucheur’s Emergency Manual. It contains both repertory and materia medica.

Case 10: A pregnant woman was shedding tears. Upon inquiry, her mother told me that the next day was delivery date and the doctors said that she was very weak and so would not be able to develop labor pain; therefore, caesarean alone was to be done.

In Yingling (page 231), we find the following:

LABOR—Weak, patient too weak to develop normal pains: Caul., Mur-ac.

Muriatic acid has symptoms of weakness more than Caulophyllum. A characteristic symptom in the remedy Muriatic acid is, “Mouth and anus chiefly affected.” [See Boericke’s Materia Medica.]

I asked the patient if she was having soreness or any complaint in mouth and she replied in the affirmative. I further asked if she had similar complaint in her anus and she confirmed this. [You can put questions to the patient after selecting a few remedies through the Repertory, to decide one remedy—the similimum.]
Within minutes of taking a dose of Muriatic Acid-10M, she developed labor pains; was rushed to hospital. After half-an-hour, it was a normal and safe delivery. Homoeopathy is an exact and accurate method. Precision and versatility is the culture of Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy will ever remain supreme among pharmacologically oriented system of therapeutics!

(E) Cases treated with the use of Wilkinson’s Mat. Medica.

Case 11: A patient with chronic headache, after trying various doctors, ultimately came to me. After finishing the history of his seven years’ pain in head, he ended up saying: “Doctor, if you or anyone can cure me of this terrible headache, I won’t mind even giving away half of my property (worth three millions) to that doctor.” Doctors of all other systems would simply ignore this statement of the patient. If a patient is ready to pay 1.5 million... I thought over this. I took this as a challenge to homoeopathy. I asked him to first pay me ten thousand rupees and also two weeks’ time

To a professor of English I gave a copy of Wilkinson’s Mat. Medica and paying him the ten thousand rupees, requested him to do the job of reading the lines given only under the chapter ‘Mind’ in all the remedies (and this too would take a few days, working for three hours daily) and to tell me if he finds anything equivalent to the above said statement of the headache patient. The professor underlined and pointed out the following lines in the remedy Stillingia (under ‘Mind’ in Wilkinson’s).
“Deplorably downhearted; suffering extreme torture from bone pains.”

Stillingia 1000, one single dose cured the patient and he paid me another ten thousand rupees. Precision and versatility is the culture of Homoeopathy. After this case, I cured two more patients with Stillingia both of whom said the above words (ready to give his entire wealth to the doctor who cures him). Diligence and knowledge of English language, both to the core, are required to practise homoeopathy. The above two cases would illustrate the reader how rich, exact and accurate (and complete) are our materia medicas.
Case 12: Boiling tea was accidentally splashed on the face of a woman and she lost her eyesight. Allopathy doctors told that nothing could be done. Single dose of Carbolic acid-10M restored her eyesight in thirty minutes time. [See Calvin B. Knerr’s Repertory—GENERALITIES—Injuries, burns, extensive: Carbol. ac.]
Case 13: What is the remedy (in one single dose) that would have saved the rape victim Nirbhaya of Delhi?
Symptoms in this case are:

Ichorrhaemia, pyaemia, septicaemia: Acon., Arn., Ars., Calend., Canth., Carbol-ac., Chin-arom., Chinin-mur. or sulph., Crot-h., Lach., Nit-ac., Rhus, Veratr-vir., Zinc.

—for the haemorrhages: Crot-h., Ergot., Kreos., Nitr-ac., Mur-ac., Fer-mur., Tarent-c., Tereb.

—for the adynamia: Mosch., Camph., Carb. v., Crot-h, Lach., Phos., Sil., Verat-alb., Verat-vir., Sulph.

We find the above on page 912 in the HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS by Dr. Samuel Lilienthal.
Crotalus horridus alone is common to the above three lists, and one dose in 10M potency would have saved Nirbhaya.

[An important note on Crotalus horridus-10M: From the above, one can easily infer that diseases of blood that threaten the life of the patient can be completely relieved by this remedy—Septicaemia, leucaemia, infective hepatitis, hepatitis b-virus, haemophilia (bleeders.). A patient came from Bellary and was admitted in a leading hospital in Bangalore in i. c. unit. Since the allopathy doctors in that hospital did not object to any external application, one drop of Crotalus-hor-10M was put on his forearm. After twenty-four hours, he was shifted to the wards and the second day he was discharged. He came in an ambulance and upon discharge travelled by bus to Mantralaya.] Homoeo medicines act by coming in contact with the skin. If you buy in tincture, put one drop on the centre of forearm. If you have the remedy in pills, just put 3-5 pills in 1-3 teaspoonful of water and apply this solution as above. No need to rub. Once only. Whether given orally or applied externally, both will have the same effect, provided your remedy selection is correct!
In emergencies, nature speaks plainly. The more danger to life, the clearer the symptoms speak and quicker our remedies act.

In homoeopathy practice, everything is practical and practical only. There are no theories. For learning swimming, first you get into the water. So also, for learning car driving, you are made to sit on the wheel and drive in the traffic. Unless and until a teacher points out actual cases, one may not understand what is in the materia medica or repertory.
Dr. V. Krishnaamurthy
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