Re altitude sickness

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Carol Orr
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Re altitude sickness

Post by Carol Orr »

I told a friend about this and she said about a month ago she saw a video about people taking cocaine when they had symptoms and symptoms went away. She is going to try to find the video. On the other hand , her sister had all the symptoms of covid for 5 days and had problems breathing and has been on a mountain in the past and had altitude problems breathing and said this was nothing like that. That said.. one can’t even get coca in the United States .. maybe with dr prescription .

Sent from my iPhone

Ellen Madono
Posts: 2012
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2003 10:00 pm

Re: Re altitude sickness

Post by Ellen Madono »

Carol, Can't you take her case in the normal way. So many remedies have trouble breathing.

Carol Boyce
Posts: 151
Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2004 10:00 pm

Re: Re altitude sickness

Post by Carol Boyce »

The remedy will not be called coca?

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