Question for Peter

In this forum, we have placed all the messages related to migrating the YahooGroup to this Forum so you can see what happened. These messages have been moved here from the YahooGroups Archive. The forum has been locked, no new posts allowed.
Debra Lamana
Posts: 120
Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:00 pm

Question for Peter

Post by Debra Lamana »

Hello Peter,
Is there an option for Minutus members to avoid having to accept 'Cookies' at the Rife forum? I noticed that when I went there recently to check access, there is a message with regard to this issue. Thanks, Deb

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Peter Walker
Site Admin
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Re: Question for Peter

Post by Peter Walker »

Hello Debra,

your post is confusing because you do not seem to by a member of The Rife Forum or even the Rife group – at least not with this email address.
In general, accepting cookies is a legal requirement to be able to use a website. On , I am legally obliged to remove members from the forum that do not accept the privacy policy, which is also associated with the cookies, due to EU privacy regulations. If you do not want to accept cookies, there is not much you can do on the website. Accepting cookies is something you only have to do once (on each device).
You will find a detailed page about our privacy and cookie policies here: ... ment-Terms
There is nothing wrong with accepting cookies. They are there to for example make it easier for you to login and remember which posts you have read, etc. There is nothing to worry about.
On another theme, some people have been asking me about not being able to reply via email in future on the new platform.

I wish to point out that a much better method has been implemented, instead.
When on your desktop computer, it is easy to just go to the website and read and respond to posts, there. When using a smartphone on tablet, you can use a special iOS or Android app to read and reply to posts. The forum is using the TapaTalk app and that means you can use one app to access multiple forums – not just Minutus. There is no charge for using the app (although you will see adverts) or alternatively there is a VIP account that is add free in the app.


Peter Walker
The Rife Forum


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