Corona , possible miasmatic complication?

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Victoria Mashevsky
Posts: 186
Joined: Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:00 pm

Corona , possible miasmatic complication?

Post by Victoria Mashevsky »

it is possible that the Coinfection with a virus and tuberculosis is a killer:


Yes, the article is from very conservative publication, so don’t shoot the messenger.

Victoria M-Sky

Tanya Marquette
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Re: Corona , possible miasmatic complication?

Post by Tanya Marquette »

I think all publications need to be scrutinized for their biases, especially the mainstream media which is

often accused of a liberal bias--but only by the right wing. That said, it seems interesting to hear of this

connection to latent TB. Wonder if any other source is making this connection? Wonder if the public
health agencies are looking into this? it is true the stress levels in force migrants coming from horrific

conditions in home countries especially with mal-nutrition renders people more susceptible to disease and if there

is in fact latent TB the conditions for a perfect storm exist. In the US the southern states take the brunt

of new assylum seekers but Washington State is typically is not a first stop for them. Even tho living in NYS,

I have not heard of Covid-19 showing up in immigrants. Of course the so-called liberal press may not
know this, or be willing to print this. But the NY Post would certainly be a paper to do so and we have not

seen this printed by them.

The immigrant bashing aside, it would be important to find out if there was a TB break out pre-COVID-19.

And people can certainly be tested for TB, not a hard thing to do. I think it is important to be open to information

that comes from different sources while keeping sharp about the biases of the source.


Ellen Madono
Posts: 2012
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Re: Corona , possible miasmatic complication?

Post by Ellen Madono »


If you read Louis Klein"s Miasms and Nosodes, you may understand how there are not 3-8 miasms. Ardavan RV was using all of the viruses as potential miasms. Lou's next book will be on virus miasms. So, pointing the finger at only Tuberculosis just because COVID 19 is a lung problem and therefore the tubercular miasm is the only relevant one may not be a productive idea. Today, you can do a lot better.

Here is an example. I spent January taking Diphtherinum because my father had diphtheria as a kid. I also fit Lou's dispositional profile. Starting with the lungs, I went to sinuses and finally to the nose as aggravations from penicillium suppression of childhood diseases. A bloody nose for one week at the end of the whole process was a proving symptom. Each remedy reaction took a little more than a week to heal itself. Plenty of mucus discharge with no feeling of malaise in any of the reactions. What wonderful prep for COVID.

My husband was exposed to a lot of Tuberculosis as a child after World War II in Japan. He is taking Bacillinum as preparation for COVID. I can't see any reaction as vivid as mine though. Shucks. It still may help him. We have no symptoms of COVID yet. He fits Lou's dispositional profile.

Conclusion: Make an effort to choose your miasms carefully.
Ellen Madono

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