Politics vs homeopathy

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Allen Coniglio
Posts: 429
Joined: Fri Oct 04, 2002 10:00 pm

Re: Politics vs homeopathy

Post by Allen Coniglio »

You are not getting it. This is not about American politics. This is
to take back control of our world from the globalists. Big Pharma is
our target. Monsanto is our enemy. Saving homeopathy and alternative
medicine is our goal. Please do not be naive. Wake up. You are now
under their control and you have no idea. It is for you that we that
this war is being fought but you would rather sleep and dream than
understand the truth.

Allen Coniglio
Posts: 429
Joined: Fri Oct 04, 2002 10:00 pm

Re: Politics vs homeopathy

Post by Allen Coniglio »

Brilliant,, Soroush. It is good to see that you are making sensible
comments and that you are choosing to educate rather than attack the
so called "eight". Your support will do much to help wake up the

Allen Coniglio
Posts: 429
Joined: Fri Oct 04, 2002 10:00 pm

Re: Politics vs homeopathy

Post by Allen Coniglio »

That should have said, "so called 'right'".

Tanya Marquette
Posts: 5602
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Re: Politics vs homeopathy

Post by Tanya Marquette »

I understand about the national interests but let me add something to that perspective.

I am on the ARH-media groups, too. They often talk about UK situations which, of course is not USA.

However, the dynamics of what goes on there is very similar as to the goals to suppress homeopathy and

all holistic healing here. So my posts to them often talk about the US experience which I find relevant.

Particularly true, IMHO, is the fact that the US has been way ahead of the repressive pack and what happens

here soon gets imitated in the UK regarding homeopathy. Right now you are dealing with the NHS throwing

homeopathy out which has clearly been affecting practitioners. Our history of operating with head in sand

very clearly shows how homeopathy lost its footing in the USA because people felt they had a choice in
being political about the profession. Well, we lost due in great part to that complacency. So I think there

is much to learn from each other's experience.
What I will agree with, is the lack of respect and vituperative commentary is part of the problem that we

need to recognize and work on.

Tanya Marquette
Posts: 5602
Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2001 11:00 pm

Re: Politics vs homeopathy

Post by Tanya Marquette »


Love your last line--so very succinct. I may just have to use it myself:-)


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Re: Politics vs homeopathy

Post by Rochelle »

If that was posted by Soroush – great I found it – thanks
From: minutus@yahoogroups.com [mailto:minutus@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: 25 January 2018 12:29
To: minutus@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Minutus] Politics vs homeopathy
The email of the sender is always at the very bottom of the message!
From: minutus@yahoogroups.com [mailto:minutus@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: 25 January 2018 12:11
To: minutus@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Minutus] Politics vs homeopathy
Thank you Tanya for putting your name at the end of your post. Unfortunately on my Outlook it doesn’t give the senders name!! It just says that it has been sent from Minutus!! I suppose the reason why the politics doesn’t intrest me is because it is all to do with the USA rather than UK where I am.
From: minutus@yahoogroups.com [mailto:minutus@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: 25 January 2018 11:39
To: minutus@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Minutus] Politics vs homeopathy

There are 2 issues. First, is that homeopathy is political and people need to look at that or homeopathy will go the way of the dinosaur.

Second, it people needing to be respectful of others when they put out their ideas. This seems to be the hardest thing to do if people are

empassioned about their political perspective.

As for who the sender is? I always look at the sender's name and recognize almost everyone on this list. If there is a new name I will open

the post to see who is newly weighing in.


Posts: 163
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Re: Politics vs homeopathy

Post by Sherill »

I like your style ~ and your humor, too. See you on Mars,

From: minutus@yahoogroups.com [mailto:minutus@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 9:00 PM
To: minutus@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Minutus] Politics vs homeopathy
For the sake of curiosity and fairness I have followed a few links and watched a few videos....provable? objective? demonstrable?

Nothing but propaganda, asking people to believe what is there with nothing to substantiate the affirmations, same and often worse than the criticisms launched at the so-called "liberal, leftists, commies" newsgroups and others.

What makes you and the others of your ilk the bearer of truth? why should we trust you? Because you say so???? It is very possible that in fact you and your minions are the advanced army of a dark side that tries to convince others to switch side and help the destruction of the world, draping yourself in the self-righteous appearance of a saviour.

Same old story we keep witnessing with sects, gurus, apocalypse mongers....no, I will not be drinking your Kool-Aid or hide in fear because Niribu is going to collapse with Earth...and your derisive, insulting attitude of spewing scorn on whoever disagrees with you is certainly not helping your cause, thankfully, on the contrary.

Enjoy simmering in your hatred, I am done with you.

Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD
"The greatest enemy of any science is a closed mind"

Lu Ann Weis
Posts: 43
Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:00 pm

Re: Politics vs homeopathy

Post by Lu Ann Weis »

Thank you!
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From: minutus@yahoogroups.com on behalf of dace_sevcuna@yahoo.com [minutus]
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 9:51:42 PM
To: minutus@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Minutus] Re: Politics vs homeopathy

I totally agree. This is a site where I come for an alternative medicine advice. I do not care if you are a democrat or a republican. I do not care if you are a liberal or a conservative. I do not care if you come from Asia, Europe, Africa, India, Canada, North or South America. I do not care if you believe Trump is a genius or an idiot. I do not care if you are a Christian, Atheist, Hindu, Jehova Witness, Daoist, Buddhist, or a follower of any other region.
What I do care about is that Homeopathic, Chinese, Herbal, Native and etc. medicine offers an alternative solution to western chemical-based medicine. I do care that we all have the freedom to choose.

Can we, please, put our color, nationality, and especially religion aside and focus what we are all here for - looking at alternative solutions to medical challenges?

Honestly, some of you make me sick with your desperate attempts to prove your political choices and / or religious beliefs.

However, I do respect the fact that we all are just human beings with an ability to make choices about whom or what we believe in, have an ability to choose what is true for us, and have a freedom of choice to what we put in our mouths.

So...stop and think before you go on a rant about American politics. US is not the center of the world.

This group should be the place where we come together to fight big pharma, to fight for alternative choices to fight diseases, and it should be the place we come to see what is possible besides what is forced on us.

Forget politics, forget religion, forget color, forget sexuality, forget gender, forget the country of birth...remember...we all believe that besides money driven pharmaceuticals there are healthier choices to deal with physical diseases.

Gisela Ahrendt
Posts: 176
Joined: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:00 pm

Re: Politics vs homeopathy

Post by Gisela Ahrendt »

Right on - you said it perfectly

Gisela Ahrendt- Di Carlo

classical Homeopath

From: minutus@yahoogroups.com on behalf of Lu Ann Weis luannw7@hotmail.com [minutus]
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2018 10:08 PM
To: minutus@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Minutus] Re: Politics vs homeopathy
Thank you!
Get Outlook for Android


From: minutus@yahoogroups.com on behalf of dace_sevcuna@yahoo.com [minutus]
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 9:51:42 PM
To: minutus@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Minutus] Re: Politics vs homeopathy

I totally agree. This is a site where I come for an alternative medicine advice. I do not care if you are a democrat or a republican. I do not care if you are a liberal or a conservative. I do not care if you come from Asia, Europe, Africa, India, Canada, North or South America. I do not care if you believe Trump is a genius or an idiot. I do not care if you are a Christian, Atheist, Hindu, Jehova Witness, Daoist, Buddhist, or a follower of any other region.
What I do care about is that Homeopathic, Chinese, Herbal, Native and etc. medicine offers an alternative solution to western chemical-based medicine. I do care that we all have the freedom to choose.

Can we, please, put our color, nationality, and especially religion aside and focus what we are all here for - looking at alternative solutions to medical challenges?

Honestly, some of you make me sick with your desperate attempts to prove your political choices and / or religious beliefs.

However, I do respect the fact that we all are just human beings with an ability to make choices about whom or what we believe in, have an ability to choose what is true for us, and have a freedom of choice to what we put in our mouths.

So...stop and think before you go on a rant about American politics. US is not the center of the world.

This group should be the place where we come together to fight big pharma, to fight for alternative choices to fight diseases, and it should be the place we come to see what is possible besides what is forced on us.

Forget politics, forget religion, forget color, forget sexuality, forget gender, forget the country of birth...remember...we all believe that besides money driven pharmaceuticals there are healthier choices to deal with physical diseases.

Bob Needham
Posts: 354
Joined: Tue Jun 11, 2002 10:00 pm

Re: Politics vs homeopathy

Post by Bob Needham »

I'll second those thoughts


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