Dana Ullman's newest article on homeopathy and flu at Mercola.com!

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Dana Ullman, MPH
Posts: 411
Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:00 pm

Dana Ullman's newest article on homeopathy and flu at Mercola.com!

Post by Dana Ullman, MPH »

On Friday December 8, 2017, a homeopathic colleague alerted me to a very antagonistic article about homeopathic medicine and the treatment of influenza at Mercola.com. Mercola.com is a very respected website covering issues dealing with natural medicines, and it was shocking to me that this website would publish an article so antagonistic to homeopathy...but what was worse here was the fact that the author of this article quoted only from leading skeptics of homeopathic medicine as well as most of the natural medicine field.
Because I sometimes think of myself as a one-man "Homeopathic Anti-defamation League," I responded immediately by writing to the CEO at Mercola.
I alerted the CEO that ALL of the people quoted in the article have been described at the Mercola.com website as known "Big Pharma shills" or Monsanto and as "unreliable sources" of information about medicine or science.
My email to the CEO of Mercola.com was calm and to the point. I didn't need to point to the many errors of fact in the article. Instead, I simply listed the several articles at the Mercola website that noted that ALL of the people who were quoted in the article on homeopathy were not reliable sources of information according to the standards of Mercola.com itself.
Within 24 hours, that awful article on homeopathy was deleted from the Mercola website.
Then, in the next 48 hours, I sent the CEO of Mercola a new article that I had written on homeopathy and influenza. I told him that I had planned to submit this article to another health website, but that I would prefer if he posted it at Mercola.com
I heard back from him within a day, and he told me that it'd be published on December 26th!
I try to avoid judging any person or organization or website based on the mistakes they make but rather on the way that they deal with these mistakes once they are brought to their attention. In this case, Mercola.com impressed me very much. They deleted the inaccurate information immediately, and they replaced it with good, solid information on homeopathy that I provided to them: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/arti ... tment.aspx
The best news is that this article is going viral, and tens of thousands of people have already read it in the first couple of hours after its publication…and several thousand people have already shared it on Facebook…and I hope you will too!
People in the homeopathic community know that I have written many powerful and compelling articles about homeopathy. You will find collections of my writings here:

I have sharply reduced the number of articles I've written in the past couple of years because I simply cannot afford the time and effort to them UNLESS people in the homeopathic community show some tangible financial support for this important work. People will benefit from knowing that a non-profit organization called The Foundation for Homeopathic Education and Research (812 Camelia St., Berkeley, CA 94710) accepts tax-deductible donations to support the educational advocacy work for homeopathy of Dana Ullman. You can send checks to this address, or you can send donations from PayPal to: FHER@IGC.ORG . People who prefer to donate using a credit card can send financial support here, but this support goes directly to Dana and is not tax deductible: https://homeopathic.com/product-categor ... -research/
Due to a recent report from the FDA, it is very possible that the FDA will reduce access to common nosodes, and they may also take away access to many or most homeopathic combination medicines, an action which will significantly hurt the homeopathic pharmacy field.
I am in the process of writing a response to the FDA, but I truly need the support of the community to finish this important work.
Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH

812 Camelia St.

Berkeley, CA. 94710


dullman@igc.org (personal email)

email@homeopathic.com (professional email)

www.homeopathic.com (website)

www.HomeopathicFamilyMedicine.com (new e-course website!)

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/author/dana-ullman (Blog at the Huffingtonpost)

@HomeopathicDana (Twitter)

Dale Moss
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Re: Dana Ullman's newest article on homeopathy and flu at Mercola.com!

Post by Dale Moss »

Hi, Dana

Thanks for serving as homeopathy’s one-man Anti-Defamation League!

You write: "It is almost as though physicians don’t respect the “wisdom of the body.” It might be more accurate to say they’ve forgotten it. When I was developing literature for a support organization I founded for people with kidney disease, I ran the drafts by my board. I’d warned about using aspirin (danger of Reye’s, which is what may have killed so many in the 1919 Spanish flu); I also warned about using acetaminophen (hard on the kidneys).
“What’s a parent to do to bring down a fever?” one of the board asked. He was a physician and should have known better; but he didn’t. Most likely they’re not teaching would-be docs about the importance of fevers, any more than they teach the importance of good nutrition.
I hope your radar has picked up articles that appeared regarding the FDA’s recent decision to “crack down” on homeopathy. The usual self-styled quack buster types are having a field day with that move!

Tanya Marquette
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Re: Dana Ullman's newest article on homeopathy and flu at Mercola.com!

Post by Tanya Marquette »

I was taught many years ago it was not that mistakes were made, but how they get handled that make for a professional response. It is good to hear how quickly

Mercola.com responded to Dana's criticism and pro-active response with a new article. Yea for both Dana and Joe Mercola's organization. It does build trust.

My experience with them is that they have always been responsive to my questions and provided information in a timely manner. I have also suggested topics

which I have to assume are in their cue for research.

Tanya Marquette
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Re: Dana Ullman's newest article on homeopathy and flu at Mercola.com!

Post by Tanya Marquette »


Allopathy, as you probably know, is completely controlled by Big Pharma, including the training of new docs. Thus, they are

taught drug therapy and if that does not work, there is surgery or nothing. They are completely misdirected about what healing is about

and truly believe that without drugs we would all be dead or dying. Funny how they ignore the fact that the world's population has

been increasing over the millenia without all the toxic drugs with we are bombarded today. The idea that the body has its own set of

healing protocols that needs to be understood and respected is poo poo'd particularly because it cannot be patented for profit.


Ginny Wilken
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Re: Dana Ullman's newest article on homeopathy and flu at Mercola.com!

Post by Ginny Wilken »

Wow! Good goin', Dana! Thank you so much! Mercola.com is a nice site with lots of info, and your article will go a long way for our cause. I would have been very annoyed at that first version.

Ginny Wilken


Bob Needham
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Re: Dana Ullman's newest article on homeopathy and flu at Mercola.com!

Post by Bob Needham »

Bob Needham
H.BSc. D.H.M. Fellow

For every progressive spirit
there will always be a thousand
mediocre minds to guard the past.

Bob Needham
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Re: Dana Ullman's newest article on homeopathy and flu at Mercola.com!

Post by Bob Needham »

OOOPPPPS PRESSED the wrong key prematurely

Good Article Dana

My wife and I take Influenzinum 200C once a month during the so called flu season, unless there is a strong presence locally then we take every 2 weeks. Neither of us has had the flu in the past 25 years, once being educated in Homeopathy. Prior to that, the last two times I was down with Flu was after taking the flu shot.


John Benneth
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Re: Dana Ullman's newest article on homeopathy and flu at Mercola.com!

Post by John Benneth »

Thank you, Dana

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