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Kawiaski disease

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 8:44 am
by Jean Doherty
Has anyone thoughts on these recent cases.
Looking up vasculitis in Reference works apart from China and Tarentula the remedies are not familiar.
Vasculitis (29): 3Ferr-pic., 2amphet., allopu., amioda., amlodi., amoxap., amoxic., beryl., chen-a., chin., cimeti., ciprof., fluoxe., form., furose., hepatit-b., hydral., hydrocth., isotre., lovast., maland., phenyl., procain-h., propyl., rhodi., spiron., tarent., ticlop., warfar.
I suppose if instead explore inflammation might get more remedies to think about.
Thank you,  Jean