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Single-dose-treatment for corona

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:35 am
by jaykrish1966
An open letter and suggestion to the Health Ministers of all the corona-affected countries.

From Dr. V. Krishnamurthy, Chennai, India
E-mail: Phone: 044-24890370, 9789069362 Sub: A suggestion for CORONA COVID-19
Dear Sir/Madam,

In the majority cases of corona deaths, the following salient features are found:

(i) Elders mostly affected;
(ii) Affected persons die either of pneumonia or myocarditis;
(iii) In both cases the muscles become lax;
(iv) Corona victim develops rapid emaciation; and
(v) Increasing dyspnoea (difficult breathing)

Among the 600 and odd homoeopathy medicines, only one remedy called FERRUM-METALLICUM covers all the above symptoms.

The following are extracts from two indispensable homoeopathy reference books.

Ferrum metallicum: PNEUMONIA (HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS by Dr. Samuel Lilienthal, page 874)
PNEUMONIA senilis (Elderly people); laxity of FIBRE; pulse soft and quick, or slow and easily compressible; dyspnoea slowly increasing; bloody expectoration; EPIDEMIC PNEUMONIA, dyspnoea gradually increasing.


GENERALITIES – MUSCLES: LAX, with EMACIATION: Ferrum-met. (Hering’s 10 volumes)

I am ready to deposit US$ or Euro-2000 with your embassy in India. You may buy FERRUM METALLICUM-1M [Liquid dilution] from any of the homoeopathy drug stores

(1) Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH , Deutsche Homoeopathy Union, Schwabe International, Karlsruhe, Germany; (2) Dr. Madaus & Co., (3) Boericke & Tafel, 1011 Arch Street, Philadelphia, U.S.A. (4) Dr. Willmar Schwabe India Private Ltd., A-36, Sector – 60, Phase – III, NOIDA – 110 016
and put one drop in about one-ounce water and give orally to any five Covid19-confirmed patients, once only, not to be repeated at all. Alternately, one drop may be put on the skin (no need to rub) a convenient place being the middle of the forearm. Homoeopathy medicines act by coming in contact with the skin and it is as effective as given orally. Even if four of the five patients are not completely relieved within 48 hours by giving one dose of FERRUM METALLICUM-1M, you may retain the amount as fine for my misguiding information. I hope this is worth the trial.

Ferrum met-30 or Ferrum-met-200 should not be used because this is metal. Metals, chemicals and poisons are not to be used below the 1M potency. Ferrum-met-1M or Ferrum-met-10M is to be used. One single dose, either given orally or just one drop on the skin, convenient place being in the middle of the forearm.
The following is the reason for my quoting from Dr. Lilienthal’s book: Dr. Lilienthal, M.D. who lived in the U.S.A., once practising allopathy and later converted himself to homoeopathy had been working in the following hospitals; so also Dr. Constantine Hering and Dr. W. A. Yingling:

“Before the First World War, there were in the United States 56 purely homoeopathic general hospitals with 35 to 1,400 beds each, nine hospitals for women (inclusive of midwifery) with 30 to 100s bed each, besides nine children’s hospitals with purely homoeopathic treatment. The Hahnemann College in Philadelphia with hospitals attached and its extensive polyclinic was, in the year 1922, the most important homoeopathic educational institution in the world. Even in those days, its buildings were valued at several million dollars. For practical training, the Hahnemann College offered advantages, which were scarcely to be equalled at that time in any European University. The large number of cases in the hospitals and polyclinics (more than 50,000 patients and 6,000 accident cases were treated every year) afforded the professors abundant material for their clinical instruction. The college possessed a special institution for midwifery, directly attached to it, and allowing the students many opportunities for observing obstetrical cases. In addition, numerous confinements were attended to amongst the poor people in the town and these also served for instruction.” [See Richard Haehl, SAMUEL HAHNEMANN; HIS LIFE AND WORKS.]
Let us salute the above American homoeopaths!

Books by Dr. V. Krishnaamurthy


Other useful books by foreign authors available:

HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS by Dr. Samuel Lilienthal, M.D...Rs.1500=00

Calvin B. Knerr’s REPERTORY… Rs.2100=00


Please see: From the time of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy, until today the system of Homoeopathy medicine has been enveloped into clouds of mysterious obscurities. As a freelance medical journalist, I have been only trying to lift these clouds and show the light to pave the way for correct understanding, teaching and practice of this science. Thank you all!