(1) Oscillococcinum and Nosodes; (2) Antidotes

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Jaimee Lee
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Re: (1) Oscillococcinum and Nosodes; (2) Antidotes

Post by Jaimee Lee »

Is there any problem to give out this information about taking oscillococcinum to general public? It is sold as otc.
Actually, there’s an article in the BMJ Case Reports (2015) about a supposed anaphylactic reaction to Oscillococcinum with angioedema and a tongue so swollen the patient couldn’t close his mouth. Apparently some reports to the FDA (3) also list angioedema as an adverse effect.
Naturally, there was no exploration of other potential causes. Since there’s no proving of Oscilloc. we don’t really have a full symptom picture, only symptoms drawn from a handful of cases years ago.


Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD
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Re: (1) Oscillococcinum and Nosodes; (2) Antidotes

Post by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD »

I would, based on the premise (and I might be wrong....) that it stimulates the immune defences not only specifically against A virus, but also a CLASS of viruses (that is why the 1918 Influenzinum is still very effective for prophylaxis against any of the flu viruses types), and while doing that providing a "refresh" stimulation to the whole system, putting it into alert.

Why one? the one that is available.

Do I make sense?
Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD.
"The greatest enemy of any science is a closed mind"


Dale Moss
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Re: (1) Oscillococcinum and Nosodes; (2) Antidotes

Post by Dale Moss »

Oscillococcinum has a long record of safe use (the BMJ Case Reports to the contrary). I’d be leery, however, of widely promoting its use among people who don’t understand homeopathy, however, because they are likely to dose improperly — then blame homeopathy for whatever happens.

I’m advising my patients to use common-sense precautions (hand-washing, etc.). Using a mask probably won’t prevent you from getting someone else’s virus, but it may prevent them from getting yours; it’s also likely to reduce hand-to-mouth contamination. Eat good, organic food; get plenty of rest; take additional vitamin C and D if you’re feeling as if coming down with something. Robin Murphy also recommends elderberry tincture in water or elderberry syrup at the first sign. If people want to experiment with using Oscillococcinum or Influenzinum prophylactically, I believe the usual dose is 3 pellets of 200c potency on a monthly basis.

There’s some suggestion that this illness may be biphasic (i.e., have two phases) — in other words, you get over the first phase, but then come down with the second. So watch carefully anyone who seems to be convalescing; it may be premature.


Rochelle Marsden
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Re: (1) Oscillococcinum and Nosodes; (2) Antidotes

Post by Rochelle Marsden »

For patients who actually want to take something instead of getting the vaccine I give Influenza 200 monthly in the flu season. I have seen a failure yet!!
From: minutus@yahoogroups.com [mailto:minutus@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: 27 February 2020 19:40
To: minutus@yahoogroups.com; Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD
Subject: Re: [Minutus] (1) Oscillococcinum and Nosodes; (2) Antidotes
Would you say that either Oscillo. or influenzinum could be used prophylactically — and do you (or anyone) have any preference for one or the other?

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