Received Yahoo downloads

In this forum, we have placed all the messages related to migrating the YahooGroup to this Forum so you can see what happened. These messages have been moved here from the YahooGroups Archive. The forum has been locked, no new posts allowed.
Posts: 1073
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2001 10:00 pm

Received Yahoo downloads

Post by Leilanae »

Received Yahoo downloads. Have not had a chance to check it all out, but did have a "peek" and saw:

List emails, by date, very well organized. Just like you would see if reading the mail on line.



Tanya Marquette
Posts: 5602
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Re: Received Yahoo downloads

Post by Tanya Marquette »

THE question is what to do with them now that they are all on your computer?

And can they be uploaded to another program or a file be sent to everyone else?


Posts: 1073
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2001 10:00 pm

Re: Received Yahoo downloads

Post by Leilanae »

Hu Tanya,

When I requested the downloads, I wasn't given the choice of which lists I would like, so I probably received the ones I was subscribed to.
IF I have to make a choice of what to "keep". I will choose Hahnemanics

(study of the Organon) as first choice, as the Organon is the foundation.


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Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:00 pm

Re: Received Yahoo downloads

Post by RC »

I have been watching this conversation as I am sure many others. How can those of us that want to stay connected do so?
Enjoy Life,

Robin Coventry
Stock Photos

Vicki Satta
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Re: Received Yahoo downloads

Post by Vicki Satta »

Robin: We are out of time. What you can do is make a personal decision re: MARIA'S group. We can make a JOINT DECISION and move together. If you'd like, maybe you can start taking people's names and make a list. We are united in spirit... and if we do it TOGETHER we will have a continutation of the group we love + a bunch of new faces. It seems exciting to me.
If we can join BIH then you can put your name and my name on the MOVING LIST and be responsible for organizing (I can't do it, but if you can and everything is in agreement, please help!)


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