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Hennie: Have Minutus archives too?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 2:00 am
by Debra Lamana
Dear Hennie,
When you received your data download from PG Offline, did it include a set of the archives for Minutus? You had written that you did receive the Catwell archives, just curious whether they included all groups that you are subscribed to? Thanks, Deb

Re: Hennie: Have Minutus archives too?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 3:34 am
by Hennie Duits
Dear Debra,

PG Offline tells me it downloaded messages 1 to 108245 from the Minutus
group and I saved these as .html. Zipped, these files are about 63 MB.
As said, I’ve downloaded messages 1 to 59787 from the Catwell group the
same way and saved these as .html, too. Zipped, these files are 25 MB.

I could upload these zips to, say, Dropbox, or something similar, if
folks want to download the files, or maybe upload the zips to some
dedicated section on the site of the/some new Minutus group, if
possible, or maybe other options.

Apart from this, there is an option to ask (specifically) to
transfer a (complete) yahoo group message history to a (new) group on

If I understand correctly, such a request will be handled by the people for a one time fee of $220, and I've been told (and
have seen this) to work OK.

Yahoo group members can request Yahoo to send them a link to download
all messages from their specific group. I've requested this, and Yahoo
confirmed this request, about two weeks ago, they'll handle this
request, but so far, there is no follow up on this.

(Regarding privacy, once you are on the 'regular' internet, *in **any
way***, there is no (complete) privacy.)


Op 28-11-2019 om 2:00 schreef [minutus]:

Re: Hennie: Have Minutus archives too?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 4:50 am
by Shannon Nelson
Hennie, I love the Dropbox idea!

Re: Hennie: Have Minutus archives too?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 5:23 am
by Debra Lamana
Dear Hennie,
Thanks for sharing this information -- very good news that this group does have a member with a complete set of the Minutus archives: This message is 108457 and you've got all thru 108245.

I've not used Dropbox before so will defer to others here who have, with regard to using it as a reliable way for members to obtain the data.

The primary challenge now is for the group (and Moderator) to come to an agreement about a new location for the archives and continuation of conversations whether by using email vs. a new groups site or some form of partnership with an already established homeopathy group or educational institution such as BIH (British Institute of Homeopathy).

While I agree with you that there truly is no site that is 100% private on the internet, what does differ are factors such as the history that such a site has demonstrated in terms of being non discriminatory about homeopathy, and most importantly, a proven record of being pro freedom of speech and expression.
I've tried to provide as much factual info with links to websites that have written very wisely about the risks to each of us from data mining and putting one's trust into Big tech Big data corporations.

It is a challenge right now, as there are several different directions being proposed and no agreement (yet) as to which will be the best option. December 14 is YG's deadline and does not have to be the same one for this group, now that there is at least one copy of the messages archives, many thanks to you.

Perhaps Soroush can weigh in too with his preference for the future of this group?
Wishing you and All a very Happy Thanksgiving, if you are in a country that celebrates tomorrow. Deb

Re: Hennie: Have Minutus archives too?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 3:12 pm
by Tanya Marquette

Am so glad to see so much concern and enthusiasm to save the history of this group via our emails.

And excellent that you have been proactive in creating a personal file to contain them.

However, that does not satisfy the needs of a total group. Dropbox is a very bad idea as it would

mean every person spend money on Dropbox which has a very limited amount of free space. I am

not supporting such expenditure for a group. Why not just buy stock in Dropbox instead!
I am also concerned that if you, or anyone else, saves the file as a zip or any other format, whether

is can be uploaded to a general group so everyone can gain access easily. Given the number of different

programs that people use it strikes me as daunting to do this with such a broad access needed.
If all that is to be done, might as well do Io and pay Yahoo the $220 to do it for the group. Otherwise,

it could be a technological nightmare for someone to do this. This is what I get from another group who

struggled the same as is Minutus.


Re: Hennie: Have Minutus archives too?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 4:03 pm
by Hennie Duits
A free Dropbox account (like I have it) can hold 2 GB.
It could easily hold the unzipped versions, too.
Anyone having the link to these files can download the files for free.

However, the $220 option would be the easiest by far.


Op 28-11-2019 om 15:12 schreef Tanya Marquette

Re: Hennie: Have Minutus archives too?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 5:27 pm
by Barbara Stephenson
Just to remind you all that November 30, 2019 is the last day transfer requests for yahoo groups are accepted by io groups.
Yahoo has been very troublesome with the process, so there is not 100% guarantee that it will still work. But at least a firm promise from Mark to refund money if the transfer can not be achieved.

Sent from my iPhone

Re: Hennie: Have Minutus archives too?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 5:40 pm
by Tanya Marquette
Hennie, et al

I used Dropbox at one point for work. Within a very short time the free version filled up and I cannot use

it anymore without paying money. My files that are stored on Dropbox cannot seem to be transferred or saved otherwise.

So DropBox is not a working solution. Have no idea if others used Dropbox for free and ran into the same problem.,


Re: Hennie: Have Minutus archives too?

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 2:24 am
by Hennie Duits
I’ve uploaded two 7-zip files to pCloud, ‘CATWELL messages.7z’ and
‘CATWELL files.7z’.
pCloud is like Dropbox, but with more and free options. Maybe 3 (?)
Catwell members want to try and download these files to see if that
works OK. If so, send me your mail address and I’ll send you a download
link. You don’t have to have pCloud for this. For Windows, you may have
to download and install the 7-zip software to extract these files. 7-zip
is free, and, say I, easy to use. If you are on a Mac, you may need to
download and install The Unarchiver to extract 7-zip files. Google for
“7-zip” or “The Unarchiver”, the first hits you get probably will be the
correct ones.

Mind you, the above is meant as a test, *not* as an alternative for
moving Catwell from Yahoo to another group. As said, I feel the $220
option for moving would be the easiest by far. The Catwell list owner
could start a crowd funding for that, for instance on

If I understand correctly, there's about two weeks left to get the move

Op 28-11-2019 om 16:03 schreef Hennie Duits [minutus]: