Early cases?

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Ellen Madono
Posts: 2012
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2003 10:00 pm

Re: Early cases?

Post by Ellen Madono »

I am suspecting that the virus came to the US earlier than is reported.

My son came back from Boston with a flu in late January. On the forth day of the flu I found out and he was well enough to cook his own food and to drive, but he stayed home from work because he was coughing. I gave Arsenicum although I did not think it was a terrific case. He was better the next day. After a few days he quit the remedy but he was still coughing and was at work. I tried to tell him that remedies do not kill viruses. I don't know if he believed me. When I checked on him, it had already been a week with the flu and he still was not well.

Keeping patients using their remedy when they are feeling better is not going to be easy. I try to keep some distance from my kids. They are still growing up in their thirties???

Should I report the case and let Jeremy and Paul decide if it goes in their database?

My daughter and her spouse came back from New York in mid-January. They had the "worse flu" in their entire lives. Of course, they did not tell me just in case I took their cases. Go figure.

These are only 2 cases, but does anyone have similar cases?

Wuhan was having the coronavirus cases in December. A doctor was arrested for reporting the virus. I have a feeling that the virus reached the big international cities in the US before the Chinese government allowed reporting of the virus. That's why my kids got it early. Any similar experiences?

Ellen Madono

Rebekah Azzarelli
Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:00 pm

Early cases?

Post by Rebekah Azzarelli »

Hi Ellen!

I don't think we can add such cases to Jeremy's database because it's not lab confirmed and it could have been influenza or even another virus. I hope the only cases he or Paul H are using are lab confirmed otherwise results are going to be skewed. If there's speculation in the process it's not serving the goal of finding an accurate genus and it also threatens the integrity of a publicly shared homeopathy project and in the world of homeopathy that is so heavily scrutinized (by the outside and maybe not enough by the inside) I think we need to be extra careful.

Also, I agree it's hard to get our patients to keep taking a remedy, or doing what's better for their health. Including our own grown children.

All the best,

Ellen Madono
Posts: 2012
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2003 10:00 pm

Re: Early cases?

Post by Ellen Madono »

Hi Rebekah,

Unless the availability of tests change, lab-confirmed cases are going to be hard to come by. I hope that more become available soon. Everyone will be happier.


The cases that Jeremy had up had so few symptoms. He must weed out extraneous symptoms that he is not going to add to his database. To me, they do not look like real cases. Seems a little strange.

Do you know the site where we can submit cases to Paul? I don't have one, but I want to put that information out there for others.


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