Verizon Privacy Policy question, concern or suggestion

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Vicki Satta
Posts: 394
Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:00 pm

Verizon Privacy Policy question, concern or suggestion

Post by Vicki Satta »

I tried to remove my content from another “Yahoo/Verizon site” that some other “group” got in and changed it to and couldn’t remove myself from that group. So I sent the message below.

Read the response I got from them below. Use that address (below) and send a few words. If you use them for phone service, tell them that you’re removing your account and going to XYZ carrier (you don’t have to do it). Also, we can do “Walk Away” videos for this Yahoo mess. Actually, I don’t have a active YAHOO account. Tell them you’re doing it, REMOVE THE CONTENT and close it under protest. Include your Verizon telephone account if you have one. You don’t need them! Looks like they will help me close mine down, so I’m doing it.
I am surprised that they responded because I was NOT confident that it wasn’t just another one of the “hacker" messages. We have to make noise. Our voices MATTER! Write to them and complain. Even a few words.



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