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Gallstone Treatment - Predictive Homeopathy- Dr.Prafull Vijakar (Mumbai)

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:07 am
by rohit.mansukhani
Predictive Homeopathy- Dr.Vijakar - Gallstones Treatment

Last Saturday (30 JAN 2017) I started treatment for gallstones, at least I m under impression of starting it, with the predictive homeopathy.
I saw their website claiming that there is an Einstein who is running this clinic and based on that I was influenced to take the treatment.
On reaching the clinic I was told that Dr Prafull Vijakar (Einstein) does not look at any patient except for cancer/TB. I was made to sign the consent form wherein it is written that I AM WELL AWARE OF THE SIDE EFFECTS when nothing of that sought was explained to me. It also stated that they dont guarantee any cure.
For 2 hours history was taken and a Doctor by the name of Amit Panchal was assigned to me.
During the conversation with the doctor i asked him within what time i should do the ultrasound to see if the stones were dissolved. He did not answered that and kept on telling that homeopathy is holistic approach and is better as well as different from allopathy.
During the case presentation to the doctor his focus was on some how not so relevant facts and I m not sure whether my case was grasped well as I could see lot of patients there and obviously the doctor will be under pressure.
I was not even told what medicines are being given to me and the time frame of the treatment.
I have gallstones ( multiple small stones of 7 mm) with fatty liver as well as aciditiy along with Total cholesterol of 221/ HDL of 46 / LDL of 149.
I m 35 years old usually under hyper stress and weigh 59 kgs and my height is 5.6 feet.
Considering the fact that i cannot wait till eternity for gallstones and my appointment with the surgeon is on 15th of Feb 2017.
Can somebody explain

1) within how much time I can be cured; I cannot wait beyond march 2017 as doctors have warned me of severe consequences if surgery is delayed
2) Any feedback on Dr. Amit Panchal success rate.
3) Any feedback on homeopathic treatment for gallstones whether i should continue it or not
4)Any other alternative therapy
5) Any other doctor who is successful in dissolving stones without surgery
Would appreciate an earliest reply
Thank you and regards

Re: Gallstone Treatment - Predictive Homeopathy- Dr.Prafull Vijakar (Mumbai)

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:51 am
by Marco Franzreb
You should consult someone in whom you trust. An consultation over the Internet does not seem appropriate for your case to me.
Atentamente / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Dr. M. Franzreb Corbelletti
Paseo de la Castellana 171 Bajo izda.
E-28046 Madrid
Tel.: 914491957
El jueves, febrero 2, 2017, 10:59 a. m., [minutus] escribió:

Re: Gallstone Treatment - Predictive Homeopathy- Dr.Prafull Vijakar (Mumbai)

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 4:12 pm
by Soroush Ebrahimi
You can also use the Apple Juice diet.
Recipe for removal of Gall bladder stones
Drink 2 litres of pure fresh apple juice per day for 6 days. (The apple juice can be taken - spread across the day)
On the 6th day, fast after a small lunch, but carry on with the apple juice.
At 8 pm take one tablespoon of Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulphate) in a glass of water.
At 9 pm take 4 oz (120 ml) of pure olive oil in 2 oz (60 ml) of lemon or lime juice (add a bit of salt if you like).
Go to bed and lie on your right side and wait for multiple stools to happen. These stool will completely flush your system out.
Gall stones become soft and are driven out naturally by this method.
Light meals for a few days to allow the system to settle down.
Just to prove it works, why not have a scan before and after.


From: []
Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2017 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Minutus] Gallstone Treatment - Predictive Homeopathy- Dr.Prafull Vijakar (Mumbai)
You should consult someone in whom you trust. An consultation over the Internet does not seem appropriate for your case to me.
Atentamente / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Dr. M. Franzreb Corbelletti

Paseo de la Castellana 171 Bajo izda.

E-28046 Madrid

Tel.: 914491957
El jueves, febrero 2, 2017, 10:59 a. m., [minutus] escribió:

Re: Gallstone Treatment - Predictive Homeopathy- Dr.Prafull Vijakar (Mumbai)

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:29 pm
by Lynn Lavalette
Dear Rohit,
I'm sorry for your gallstones. I'm awaiting surgery as well and have been researching, buying books for alternative methods & even went to a ND.
PLEASE DO NOT do a FLUSH! (all you will flush will be the end products from the lemon & oil - it's been proven to be a scam, but I'm not sure who I believe anymore) And you could end up in emergency surgery if a stone gets stuck. But if you know that your stones are small and you also know the size of your common duct and the smaller ducts & know that your stones will fit, then go for it. (the epsom salts are supposed to relax the ducts so they stretch - do I buy that? I don't know, but I do know that olive oil does NOT lubricate anything as it doesn't go into the liver/gallbladder as "oil". Think about that. Some of these people truly believe that drinking olive oil will lubricate your insides but your stomach prevents that via digestion before it gets anywhere)
My issues: I have many gallstones, some calcified, a thickened GB wall and sludge. There is also a spot on my liver that suggests fatty liver (no surprise considering my former diet) and I have kidney stones!
What I'm doing while waiting for surgery: I now drink 70 oz of water daily (rather than 32 oz as before) BUT I add the juice of at least one whole lemon. Increasing your water is #1 thing to do. Lemon is said to help dissolve/prevent stones (kidney & GB) & help keep the bile thin.
My ER & overnite hospitalization was at the end of Nov 2016. It's now 2 months later. The surgeon was too booked to do surgery until after Feb, so told me not to eat any fat or oil to avoid another attack in the meantime…So I did that for a month until I was told my an ND & others that I need to eat a bit of "Good" fat daily or I'll get worse….!

I decided to look into alternatives to try to avoid surgery, but I still have an appt in early March. So I consulted with a ND for her take on surgery (don't do it) & all alternative agree so I'm giving it a try but it's not easy. But so far, so good! No pain/attacks..
I've had to completely change my diet. The result thus far: I've lost about 25 lbs in 2 months with discomfort, pain or attack since my Nov attack.
The ND and books all say that one MUST eat some good fat/oil every day or bile production will slow down and cause more stones and sludge so I did recently start eating ½ of an avocado each day. After a week of that with no issue, I ate a couple of salads with ½ tbsp of olive oil with no problem, so next salad increased to 1 tbsp of olive oil & all good. The next salad had both avocado and 1 tbsp of oil & I ended up with severe lower stomach cramping that ended with explosive pure fluid runs. I have no real proof of what cause that but I assume I overdid the "good" fats in that one meal rather than spreading them out over the day. It sure wasn't much. Who knows. But it wasn't a gallbladder attack as no pain there at all. Maybe I ate some bad food? Who knows..(I had same thing a week earlier after cheating 2 bites of one of those soft pretzels that are filled with some sort of grease…very tasty but very bad as just 2 bites did me in…So bad fats/oil or too much good fat/oil can cause issues it least for me)

Cut out all the bad food you are eating. (I cut sugar, chocolate, dairy, butter, (bad) oils, fried foods & gluten. (gluten destroys the gallbladder if one happens to be intolerant so very impt to cut out if you have sensitivity)

Before my gallbladder attack (acute cholecystitis), I ate whenever & whatever I wanted. I decided to lose some weight & drank a powdered (made in blender) choc SlimFast shake every am ON TOP of daily chocolate. And I ate all the bad salty snacks. Nothing was forbidden…and I paid for it - both in weight gain & health. I think the Slim Fast caused by GB disease actually. I drank that daily for 18 months! And boy did I gain weight!

As before, I take a good B complex stress vitamin & 1000 mg of Vit C daily, but added 1000mg of taurine as taurine is said to be good for the liver/GB. But the lemon juice is the most impt imo. You can also take Bragg's Apple Cider vinegar in apple juice before each meal. Many recommend that but I think the lemon water serves the same purpose. Many say they take 1-3 tbsp of ACV but I can only tolerate 1 tsp.

Artichokes are good for the liver & gallbladder so I just added those.
My diet now mainly consists of stir-fry ( I use chicken broth instead of oil) over jasmine rice, homemade yellow split pea soup, very lean meat & boneless, skinless organic chicken breast. Pears & apples. Apple cider. Bok choy has become my fav go-to vegetable as very healthy for my kidney stones & ok for GB disease. (oranges have been cut out as bad for both) if you don't also produce kidney stones, you can eat a much more varied diet) They said to cut out eggs as high in fat and cholesterol. You can research that. I still have an omelette on occasion using 1 whole egg with "eggbeater's.

They say to drink a lot of fresh vegetable juice via juicing, but the ingredients necessary for best results are high in oxalates which I can't have due to my kidney stones. I did buy some V-8 (probably not good as processed crap) but it's tasty for a treat.

The best book: Dr. Susan Cabot's "Save Your Gallbladder". (my only issue there is she also sells supplements, none of which I bought, but her info is good and seems to be supported elsewhere in the alternative health community) She's an MD in New Zealand by the way & has written so many books, I've lost count. She seems to know her stuff but as with others, I feel they go a bit overboard on some recommendations (do I REALLY need to buy only ORGANIC lemons, for instance? Isn't that thick peel protection enough?) I do my own thing re organic…some is, some isn't..

So, if you were told to eat NO fat, that's wrong. I had to go very slow adding fat back because I had had no fat by the time I had my ND consult. Make sure you know what the good fats are! BTW - many nuts are good fat so check out which & enjoy them! (I can't have nuts due to the kidney stones…I'm very limited between my GB and kidney stone issues)

I've only scraped the surface. Get the Cabot book, alter your diet, add the lemon water & avoid the bad foods! It's not easy but if I can cut out all the crap I was eating huge sugar/chocolate addict), anyone can do it. I don't crave the bad stuff at all now & it's only 2 months..
I have no clue if I will avoid surgery, but at least I'm at a better weight now. I continue to lose a couple of pounds weekly so if I end up in surgery, it'll be easier on me.

Best to you! If you have any questions, email me! There are tons of forums online but just be very wary of those suggesting you flush without warning you about stone and duct size, both of which can only be known via CT scan or Ultra Sound.

-Lynn L.
You can also use the Apple Juice diet.
Recipe for removal of Gall bladder stones
Drink 2 litres of pure fresh apple juice per day for 6 days. (The apple juice can be taken - spread across the day)
On the 6th day, fast after a small lunch, but carry on with the apple juice.
At 8 pm take one tablespoon of Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulphate) in a glass of water.
At 9 pm take 4 oz (120 ml) of pure olive oil in 2 oz (60 ml) of lemon or lime juice (add a bit of salt if you like).
Go to bed and lie on your right side and wait for multiple stools to happen. These stool will completely flush your system out.
Gall stones become soft and are driven out naturally by this method.
Light meals for a few days to allow the system to settle down.
Just to prove it works, why not have a scan before and after.
From: []
Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2017 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Minutus] Gallstone Treatment - Predictive Homeopathy- Dr.Prafull Vijakar (Mumbai)
You should consult someone in whom you trust. An consultation over the Internet does not seem appropriate for your case to me.
Atentamente / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards
Dr. M. Franzreb Corbelletti
Paseo de la Castellana 171 Bajo izda.
E-28046 Madrid
Tel.: 914491957
El jueves, febrero 2, 2017, 10:59 a. m., [minutus] escribió:

Re: Gallstone Treatment - Predictive Homeopathy- Dr.Prafull Vijakar (Mumbai)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:04 am
by Dale Moss
It is certainly possible to resolve gallstone issues with homeopathy. From the types of questions you asked, you sound like someone unfamiliar with homeopathy and how it works. You don't think the doctor grasped your case, perhaps because you were expecting questions about your cholesterol, etc., all of which are irrelevant from a homeopathic point of view. What any homeopath would focus on are symptoms unique to you as a person and what patterns they suggest, which would guide him (or her) to the remedy you need. In this day of easy internet access to information, it's not unusual for homeopaths to hold off telling a patient what remedy has been given; that keeps the patient's reaction unprejudiced by anticipation.
See how you feel overall after treatment. Usually things to improve first are one's energy and the ability to handle stress.
It's unfortunate that you started with homeopathic treatment for your gallstones so close to your scheduled surgery. The homeopath can't tell you how quickly the gallstones will disappear because that all depends on your body's innate capacity to heal; the remedy he gave you only stimulates that ability.
Your surgeon will probably want to remove the gallbladder, which is not a good idea. We have these organs for a reason, and we need to take care of them, not excise them capriciously.

Re: Gallstone Treatment - Predictive Homeopathy- Dr.Prafull Vijakar (Mumbai)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 5:49 am
by Roger Barr
Hi Rohit,

All that I can tell you is that gallstones have been cured by homeopaths in the past. There are 80 remedies listed for gallstone pain in Murphy's repertory.

But unfortunately there are NO guarantees when it comes to health care of any variety, allopathic, homeopathic, whatever. No one can tell you whether homepathic treatment will work in your particular situation, with your homeopath, within the time period that you are considering. And no allopathic surgeon can tell you whether the anesthesia or some post-operative infection wont cause serious or fatal consequences, in YOUR case. You are asking us to play omniscient god.

Personally, I would contact everyone you can in your area and get referrals for the best classical homeopath.
I tell people to do the least invasive approaches first for any health condition (i.e. homeopathy) and if necessary move up to more invasive approaches as the urgency of the situation requires it. You appear to have a deadline according to this physician. But you can always get a second opinion.
What I use initially to determine whether the right remedy is acting are the 5 general signs of health that Robin Murphy uses: Sleep&energy, sense of wellbeing, calmness, clarity of mind, adaptability to your environment (mental, physical or emotional e.g. allergies, etc). If any of these are improving (even if others temporarily worsen) you are on track with the right remedy, and you have to give it time. Eventually the other issues will clear too.
How long you wait is up to you but you will still be healthier and better able to handle the surgery, if you are on the right homeopathic remedy. And a good homeopath could help you recover from complications of the surgery, if necessary.
Hope this helps,

Re: Gallstone Treatment - Predictive Homeopathy- Dr.Prafull Vijakar (Mumbai)

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:12 pm
by Vicki Satta
Folks who are working through this problem of surgery:

Why keep guessing or messing around with surgery? Talk to Dr. Joe… he’s the expert in this kind of stuff. He knows all the modalities & us a former surgeon in case you didn’t known.

A quick consult with him may cost you a few bucks, but what better can you do with your money than to invest it in yourself? Come on… this is serious stuff! You’re not going to get an authority who lives in the allopathic world and sits on the border between allopathy and homeopathy who can give you the advice you’d get from Joe.

For your own sake…


Re: Gallstone Treatment - Predictive Homeopathy- Dr.Prafull Vijakar (Mumbai)

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 12:23 am
by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD
Thanks for the kudos....:-)....

The problem is not with the gallbladder, at the beginning, but with the liver secreting lithogenic bile, whose composition lead to precipitation; therefore you need to address the liver and normalise its function.

In time, the gallbladder becomes chronically irritated, infected (even without clinical signs of infection), loses its contractility and becomes a pocket where germs can thrive, nothing will touch them: that is a formal indication for cholecystectomy.

Re the flush: I have witnessed patients with stones mobilised by it and impacted in the choledochus, needing emergency surgery, not a good, safe approach, always more complicated. Once the liver function is restored and the bile secretion is normalised, then the gallstones will slowly dissolve; during that period of time there is always a risk for a biliary colic when a stone moves through the choledochus or even impaction when one stone is too big to pass.
Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD.

"The greatest enemy of any science is a closed mind"