Homeopathic assist against fleas

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Nan Wood
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Homeopathic assist against fleas

Post by Nan Wood »

Have those w/ pets had success with homeopathics in helping them remain relatively flea free. A healthy animal with good Constitutional support has the best odds. For those who aren't able to do multiple constitutionals, are there a few remedies that could be experimented with while flea season is in full swing. The topical treatments are cumulative in the system and w/o immediate outward signs
(such as recently posted "kitty falling over") may show up via kidney or liver, etc. issues.
Thank you,
Nan Wood
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Ginny Wilken
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Re: Homeopathic assist against fleas

Post by Ginny Wilken »

I don't think there's a cut-and-dried answer to this: a healthy animal is more resistant to pests of all kinds. In heavily infested areas, there may be some that just need to be combed out, no matter how robust your animal. But a good, species-appropriate diet and freedom from other insults will go a long way. If he needs a constitutional remedy, he needs one apt to him, not one that repels fleas, and there is no reason to think that a particular subject is going to demand a complex series of chronic remedies. The preventives are powerful neurotoxins, and their use will cause symptoms of nerve and brain damage, seizure activity, balance and locomotion issues. Sometimes cases like these can be helped, but often not so much, in my experience.


Ginny Wilken


Shannon Nelson
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Re: Homeopathic assist against fleas

Post by Shannon Nelson »

My hands-down favorite for flea-proof pets (non-homeopathic) is having a corner of their food dish occupied by a little pile of brewers yeast, for them to take free-choice. I’ve never had a dog or cat that didn’t love it, and not yet had one that it didn’t keep flea-free — so long as the yeast never runs out for more than about a day. I’m sure there are animals that it *won’t* work for, but it’s always worked for mine! Makes the coat nice, too.


Pauline Ashford
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Re: Homeopathic assist against fleas

Post by Pauline Ashford »

I have used Pulex – (flea) 6c (once a day for a week at start of process) along with Diatomaceous earth – spread around their bedding areas and favourite sitting areas and rubbed into their coat – the urls below tell it better than I can Regards Pauline
http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/he ... -pets.aspx
Pauline Ashford

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Shannon Nelson
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Re: Homeopathic assist against fleas

Post by Shannon Nelson »

Diatomaceous earth on its own gets rid of them great (and continuously available brewers or nutritional yeast keeps them gone)—I would love to know if the Pulex helps build resistance. Have you got any sense of that?
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Vicki Satta
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Re: Homeopathic assist against fleas

Post by Vicki Satta »

Vicki and Walter!

Nan Wood
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Re: Homeopathic assist against fleas

Post by Nan Wood »

Thank you, Pauline. I'll order Pulex 6c immediately as flea season never abates in Los Angeles. A friend mentioned the benefits of washing floors, etc. with diatomaceous earth in the water and letting the solution dry place. I've read that flea larvae can live for years e.g. in a crack between floorboards and when conditions are right, even through vibration impact on the floorboard, they can hatch. The chemical topicals can be effective against fleas but woe to our dear pets w/ monthly doses.

If using diatomaceous earth you may want to consider the hydrolized form as a safer alternative for animals so they do not inhale the dust. I want to follow up on whether or not the sharp edges of the silica can damage an animals intestinal lining so wouldn't add it into their food as some sites recommend. Also taking in to account they'll ingest it in tidying up their coat.

Dr. Becker (Mercola article) mentions the use of garlic against fleas. Here's a reference to garlic's potential for Heinz body anemia in cats:
http://veterinarymedicine.dvm360.com/to ... s-and-cats

Again, many thanks! >.o.<
Best regards,
Nan Wood
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Peter Walker
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Re: Homeopathic assist against fleas

Post by Peter Walker »

I just received the following email about this topic that I am posting here verbatim:
Dear Editor, My name is Jen and I’m an Editor at Happy DIY Home. I was doing research on diatomaceous earth and just finished reading your wonderful piece: viewtopic.php?t=23728 

In that article, I noticed that you cited a solid resource that I’ve come across in the past: https://draxe.com/nutrition/diatomaceous-earth/ 

We just published an updated, comprehensive guide on how to use diatomaceous earth for pest control on our sister site, How I Get Rid Of. It is completely free and you can find it here: https://howigetridof.com/diatomaceous-earth/ 

If you like the piece we’d be humbled if you cited us in your article. Of course, we will also share your article with our 100k newsletter subscribers and followers across our social platforms.  

Either way, keep up the great work! Warmly,

Thanks Jen and it was a pleasure to cite your message.


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