Luc Montagnier at JAHC?!

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Roger Barr
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Luc Montagnier at JAHC?!

Post by Roger Barr »

This year's Joint American Homeopathic Conference (JAHC) will be held online, so you can attend in your sweats and bunny slippers for not much money. All sessions will be recorded and available for later viewing.

All the big names in homeopathy will be presenting on GoToWebinar including André Saine,  Richard Pitcairn,  Nancy Herrick,  Roger Morrison,  Paul Herscu,  Farokh Master.
That is just some of the lineup for the first of 3 days!!

Rumor has it that Nobel Prize winner Luc Montaigner will also be presenting although it has not been confirmed yet

 It will be running from early morning to late evening for the convenience of any time-zone
Friday, June 12 to Sunday June 14, 2020.

Go to to register or link from the NCH website at

On Thursday June 11 there will be Free training sessions for Zeus-Soft and Synergy homeopathy software.

Roger Barr

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