Is this message going through?

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Carol Orr
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Is this message going through?

Post by Carol Orr »

Has anyone heard that covid-19 might be a fungus?
Sent from my iPhone

Lucy De Pieri
Posts: 277
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Re: Is this message going through?

Post by Lucy De Pieri »

This is new to me. There is a huge difference between a virus and a fungus...
Kind regards
Has anyone heard that covid-19 might be a fungus?
Sent from my iPhone

Dale Moss
Posts: 1544
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Re: Is this message going through?

Post by Dale Moss »

It’s not a fungus, but virus-infected bats who also have the white nose fungus carry a much higher viral load on Covid-19 than bats without white nose.

Tanya Marquette
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Re: Is this message going through?

Post by Tanya Marquette »

I am skeptical, and maybe cynical about the bat connection.
Bats have been around forever. They have been eaten forever by people in places like China without

sickness. Because they carry a variety of micro-organisms, I have read that makes them desirable for

research as they provide a goodly stash of material for lab studies. So why would they suddenly be the

carrier of this dangerous C-19 virus. I am thinking the 5G connection sounds more and more likely a

culprit in the current situation. I am still not dropping the conspiratorial nature around bioweapon labs

leaking purposely or accidently the virus for various nefarious purposes. Eliminating population is always

close to the surface of such purpose.


Ellen Madono
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Re: Is this message going through?

Post by Ellen Madono »


The bat connection is quite clear as a good source of the virus and well known. If you don’t cook the the bat well enough or it escapes from a laboratory where they are culturing the virus, the bat can easily be a source.

According to Lou Klein, fungus remedies are often a good place to look for virus type infections. You need to see the fungus type symptoms. Especially the mental symptoms will help you to find it. Paranoia, bloody issues.. Just me alone, some of them have a sense of armies of evil, fear of unseen sources of evil. I have to get back to those lectures and make notes or look at what I have. My sense is when you use these kinds of remedies even before you have the actual infection, it will make the infection much lighter. You’ll be reducing the susceptibility.

Actual fungus infection is really interesting for the bat. Do we have a remedy or something close to it for that fungus?

Ellen Madono

Shannon Nelson
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Re: Is this message going through?

Post by Shannon Nelson »

(a) It’s not behaving like a fungus, not at all, that I can see, and
(b) the gene code was worked out and made available some (?)weeks(?) back.

I’d say no, not a fungus… (But always open to hear why someone thinks it might be!)

Shannon Nelson
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Re: Is this message going through?

Post by Shannon Nelson »

Where did you read that connection, and how was it found, if you know?

Ellen Madono
Posts: 2012
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Re: Is this message going through?

Post by Ellen Madono »

Hi Shannon,

These ideas come mostly from Louis Klein's course. There are on 85 lectures, but I started from the beginning.. I take detailed notes, I am just not good at accessing them on the fly. Another project.

He says I can get a group to go through the lectures together and get a group rate. I keep very detailed notes, so I think I could be of help to people who are struggling. He is such a great teacher!!! Anyway, super cheap. For a year of access to everything he charges something under 200 dollars. This whole world of nosodes, miasms and the periodic table use with plants opens up. His book covers Nosodes in Miasms, but the next book will cover viruses. He is leading us to that territory. The lectures go through a bunch of fungi and I am on lecture 20 going through imponderables. My notes are stuck at lecture 10. Oh my. Cases that I have not been able to break are coming unraveled. The coronavirus is a huge distraction, but I would like to get back to that study.....

Ellen Madono

Peggy Chipkin
Posts: 16
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Re: Is this message going through?

Post by Peggy Chipkin »

I m interested I love Lou’s teaching

Dale Moss
Posts: 1544
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Re: Is this message going through?

Post by Dale Moss »

It was mentioned during Sherr’s third webinar on Covid-19.



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