Case notes

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Rebekah Azzarelli
Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:00 pm

Case notes

Post by Rebekah Azzarelli »

Here are my case notes so far. Note the last one, mine, is not lab confirmed, the rest above are. And they are just starting homeopathic treatment. Ana, my ant tart patient, is slowly improving, and I'm able to get remedies brought to her, which is an issue for folks who need help right now. shipping times are much slower, remedies aren't readily available in many locales. I so wish all my patients had big remedy kits at home.

wishing you all health and ease!
Lab Confirmed Cases:

Family A

Danielle A


Sick for a week

Aches body and fatigue

Sore throat a few days later

Tight chest

This happened with Lyme, too sensitive to pressure points on left side of head.

Whole row of points behind earlobe top and back of head like hair hurts

Another weird symptom that also happened to Mike (case below): back hurts, muscles between shoulder blades, migrated downwards and sides of back


Everything SLOW, fuzzy, hazy

Worried about pneumonia, have a nebulizer I’m using with no medication in it
Cough- tightness in chest

Labored breathing, wheezing, rattling

Sometimes productive cough, lot expectoration, yellow mucus for two days
Was sent a distance healing. Took epsom salt bath, great for a day of buzzing around and getting stuff done, then relapsed yesterday all over

Wondered if family getting sick a day no coughing so I cleaned house and convinced self to move then yesterday (the next day) slept all day
An overwhelming experience of getting tested- full protective gear on staff, takes names and number, call you in to garage bay area, six chairs out. Well organized. Swabbed for flu, strep, chest xray then called back after the swabs negative for covid19 test, give you a mask at the door, wait in the car a long time
The sun feels good on me. Hot bath and epsom salts. Better for heat.. Laid in sun for hours, sweaters, robes, hat
Fever was mild 101.2 was highest temp.


Chills? Yeah, keep the house cold and night it’s the coldest

First chill, never felt heat, body aches/chill. Never happened that chill ended. Haven’t taken off the layers
Feel weird

Maybe on the internet too much

Maybe the solitude

Delirium, cried a lot out of anger, that’s usual with my anger=crying

A lot of that for a day or two

Now just worry because the lab test is positive

My mom is 87, not listening, did have contact with her 2 weeks ago.

Happy about the earth cooling though
Mike A-


had 2 days elevated temperature and cough, tested positive. no further details, recovering with no treatment
Emerson 8 yr old


Vomited- felt something in body needed to come out. Better after vomiting

Sensation had to poop at same time as vomit, had a normal large stool - not loose

Flushed with fever- bright red cheeks

No further details

No remedy, recovering
Peyton 12 yr old
On the first day was dry heaving, nothing came up

Had a fever but not anymore, a couple days ago, 2 days

Switched from hot and super sweaty and then freezing an hour later

I think the chill came first

Very red cheeks with fever

Sniffly now, but not really

No fever for a couple of days
Throat feels raw

Hurts to swallow anything

Hurts when yawn and sneeze

Feels better swallowing warm drinks

“Back of throat”

Feels like a normal sore throat but more extreme

Left side is a little more sensitive but not much

Mom obs: healthy pink with some red in the back, no pus spots

White coating on tongue

“She stifles cough because it hurts throat”

I had a bad coughing fit this morning and was coughing yesterday. Felt phlegm but nothing was coming up

I feel pretty tired but otherwise pretty fine


Main thing lungs not getting better.. Want to cough. Dry, occasional phlegm

Hurt when breathe deeply

Walking a little or talking. Out of breath

Crust in nose and drip in nose

Weakness in legs walking up stairs and pain, usually very strong!

Hip flexor pain to whole leg worse right side

Ibuprofen helped pain

Pain aggravated evening and night

Worse lying down, better moving around (this patient has often required rhus tox!)

Neck pain agg when started, soreness, now normal amount (has some chronic neck pain)

Aggravation breathe in, more upper areas of lungs.

Hard dry cough

Expectorated a little, didn’t see it

Point on the right side of chest, distal

Heart palpitations

Lost sense of smell

Doctor listened and no pneumonia

No fever, overheat quickly though, like a heat flash

Not crazy fatigue, never slept during the day with this

Didn’t finish my walk Sunday, made it to evening without falling asleep
Gassy last night, little diarrhea monday

Ant tart 30c


Just woke from a bad nap, kids disturbing me

Really exhausted, more than was before, maybe the herbs I’m taking (started chinese herbs)

Tried to go on short walk, kept yawning

Lying down, dizzy feeling, maybe the tiredness

Neck hurts

Lungs? Feel the same, thought maybe better, but right now doesn’t feel that way.

I want my energy back, so I can be playful again

(clearing throat frequently while on phone with me)

Can feel mucus move with cough

Head feels weird

Lots of throat clearing after waking up from nap

Cough worse after waking up.

No cough during sleep.

Inhalation hurts, not exhalation

Continue ant tart (called extremely anxious and fearful she needed to go to ER because of dizzy feeling, but confirmed she was fully able to breathe, asked me to keep phone by my bed, she is alone with her 3 children and afraid)

Start ant tart 200c


Reports cough “not so bad”

Still painful chest

Continue ant tart 200c


Earache, normally associate earache with when I get a fever

Earache doesn’t stay long enough to worry

Twinge in right ear

Like throat about to get sore

Taking immune boosters in meals

The week before I had contact with covid + person, just got + test result here
Lower back muscle pain, not normal for me

Fatigue there, unusual

Tired, fall asleep on couch. I don’t nap

Am still dozing in middle of the day
Wheezing after earache thought seasonal allergy, taking more quercetin, ginger, onions

Our biggest fear is lung stuff, we both have weakness (K and Petra)

Putting eucalyptus in air purifier

No evidence of fever from thermometer, brain told me I had fever! Coldness and chills

Trying to figure out if sick. I tend to ignore my body. I have bush medicine from my grandmother in Trinidad

Muscle pain in thighs and lower back, comes back

Tightness in bad, did as many chores as I could, cleaning and disinfecting counters, proactive to prevent reinfection, it can live on surfaces for 72 hours!
Like a head cold, head is heavy, had runny nose, feel whole sinus network, itching in there. Used neti pot to try to bring stuff out, white mucus, sometimes yellow

Almost like I have a sinus infection

Nasal drip like a cold

Stool softer and looser but regular timing, not quite liquid
Coughing too, not productive

Felt same way, something happening in chest to push out

Ribs and lungs hurting when wheezing, constant knowing the lungs were there

Lung pain passed
Home remedy regimen- fire cider, warm water and honey, quercetin, vit c in morning. Oil of oregano, selenium, elderberry syrup in the day, nyquil for sleeping


Kombucha and orange juice

Soups with spices, turmeric, cumin, onoins, garlic, ginger, carrots, peppers

Also eating toblerone!
Thirst? Try hard to not be sick. I drink 2 32 oz water bottles full per day
I ignore pain

I go into an interesting survival mode, I DO THE THINGS (home remedies etc) and don’t let self feel it


Fever 100, goes up and down

Couldn’t sleep at all last night

Night sweats, one of my regular medications has this as a side effect, but past 2 nights lots of sweat (taking nyquil at night now)

Hot shower before getting into bed, feel cooled then

No memories of shivering

Wake up soaking wet, sheets wet, cuddling wet sheets around me

K says I was whimpering in sleep 2 nights ago and was burning hot, woke around 130am, took nyquil, then sweated out fever

Very clammy

2 nights in a row

No fever last night (no sleep either) but feverish today

The whole night was frustrated and uncomfortable

Symptoms are lessening now, so that was good! But now so exhausted, not good now
Shortness of breath

Breathe deeply, strain and ache and pain like not taken my asthma meds
Cough-expectoration, not a lot, sputum beige in color

Sensation with cough? Nothing in mouth or throat, all in chest, in lungs under sternum

Achey painful tightness, almost like a sneeze type feeling

Notice feel better with expectoration, feels freer

Lot of relief with humidifier, the dry air was so challenging (just got a humidifier during illness)

Trying to get enough oxygen triggers coughing
Worst of fever-crazy body aches, thought from the bed

Muscles and joints painful

Circulation issue too, I have repetitive strain injury in arms and hands, hurting despite not using (not working etc) in days. Doing my hand stretches

Hands feel tighter than usual, stretching a lot more

Hands fall asleep more frequently as if straining but haven’t been
Big symptom is fatigue, even before fever started

Beginning of week, before that, do one thing then had to nap, then up and then bed for 9 hrs
Have had diarrhea throughout illness, not as bad as when had bacterial GI or amoebic dysentery, not running to bathroom. I can feel my bowels moving, unusual feeling

Loose stools, not fully liquid, but chunky, normal brown color

No abdominal pains, maybe a few times fleeting pain, nothing sustained.
Breathing freely, not obstructed
When walking dog, shortness of breath
Spaciness, out of it
Thirst- less thirsty the higher the fever

Am drinking lots of fluids, now feeling thirstier (currently with fever)

Appetite is WAY low, usually eat well and a lot, down to 2 meals a day

Nauseous with fever, was afraid I was going to vomit with fever but didn’t
Phosphorus 200c
Non Lab Confirmed Cases:

Rebekah (me)


Over a week of chest oppression and tightness. Sighing yawning. Compelled to yawn which relieves tightness temporarily
Very dry burning hot nostrils with bloody crusts
FATIGUE- trembling weakness heavy heavy fatigure. Have to lie down, feel continuous sinking into bed. Can’t fully rest but want to fall asleep, trembly energy coursing through body
Abdominal pressure-low abd

sharp pains through large intestine- loose stools

Nausea with watering mouth. Strange sensation in mouth can’t describe
Took gelsemium a few doses, seemed to lift fatigue a bit
Gas pressure in low abdomen hard to pass, have to force
Eyes dry and mild burning
Farokh Master prescribed Natrum ars took 3 doses daily for 4 days 3/20-3/23

Gut best after stool in morning-Agg about an hour or so after eating

Gas starts to build up
Mouth feeling-watery, weird nausea soon after eating
3/21-3/23 severe fatigue, dullness of mind, forgetting and hard to focus. Have to be very deliberate about what I need to do. Forget partway through a task..

Checking in with patients. Winded after talking

Lungs ache, tight chest.

Tightness feels better with heating pad

Easy fatigue (like walking to grab something in the living room and going back to dining room table)

Sense of mucus in lungs but tired and don’t want to deal with coughing it up. Cough only occasionally, not much expectoration. Ache in apex of lung, through to back. Whole lung ache. Sternum pain and tension. Hurts to touch.

Can get a full breath but have to relax and start slow. Aggravated if talking or angry- every time reading news.

Coughing more often, takes a lot of effort, some expectoration

Vague sense of chill in hot shower. Chill comes to surface in waves (few days of this)
Starting to get more anxious, panicking I can’t be here for my family if they get sick. Or that I’ll end up with horrible conventional treatment if I can’t get this under control.

Waves of sadness and weeping with concern for sick people and job losses and extreme hardship this is causing, also sadness for my own situation comes less often. Trying to keep it together for my littlest kid so he doesn’t worry.

3/23/20 (coming soon, taking case this evening not lab confirmed, concern he might need to be hospitalized)

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