[Rife] Oil of wild oregano

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Joined: Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:33 pm

[Rife] Oil of wild oregano

Post by Rife@rifegroup.groups.io »

I am having some difficulty locating the Oil of Organo with the P73

I see on Amazon they have the Zane Hellas product that is listed as Pure

and undiluted with <2% Thymol but it does not say anything about P73

What is the difference between this and a product labeled P73?

Admittedly it is probably late in the game for ordering this product.

The health food stores are totally empty of anything related to flu,

virus, inflammation.  Cannot even find Gelsemium or Bryonia or Eup Perf.

Anything brought in goes out even faster. People are really in a high
anxiety state.


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