Runny nose

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Carol Orr
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Runny nose

Post by Carol Orr »

I have heard several times that a runny nose is not part of Coronavirus but just a normal cold . A journalist who was at the nursing home in washington state where so many died came home and had a runny nose, was told to be tested and was found to be positive. That is all she had for symptoms and then she was fine.

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Re: Runny nose

Post by Roger »

The test is based on PCR and not accurate.

It multiplies a small amount of DNA millions of times. PCR should not be used for this purpose according to the inventor of it.


Ellen Madono
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Re: Runny nose

Post by Ellen Madono »

PCR is what the Japanese are using.

I had an old chronic patient. He was tested negative 3 times using PCR. But his wife and daughter both tested positive and his symptoms suggested that he was sick with the coronavirus. He had a dry cough the first day. A high temperature that evening but he did not feel it. He was sitting up talking to his wife when he decided to take his temperature. Then, the next night he had a 39.4 C degree temperature, high for an adult and he felt it reacting with his chronic reaction to stress. Then the stupid doctor gave him antibiotics for a sore throat and a sinus infection totally ignoring the likelihood that he had the coronavirus regardless of what the PCR test said. I took his case 3 days after his temperature spiked up even higher due to the antibiotics. He has been suppressing convulsions with strong drugs, so he felt electricity going from his neck to occiput. The next day he had a tremendous migraine that felt like pressure on the temples. So he wanted the migraine fixed.. His remedy was either Bell or Hep-sulph. His constitutional before was Sulphur and Hep-sulp is deeper than Bell. Authors like Farington it says to give Hep Sulph for fever when Bell does not work. His fever was down because he used anti-fever meds. Anyway, I repped his case using Dr. Frei"s Polarity Analysis as well as The Complete.. Dr. Frei pointed out the remedies, and The Complete confirmed. As you can see, he is an addictive user of medications. So, I don't have much hope. He may not even follow through because he is anxious to go back to work and I did not promise him immediate results. I probably should have lied. If he follows through, I will tell him to take Bell the next time he gets one of those high fevers.

The Japanese statistics on infection are not going down. This patient's behavior and the fact that my dojyo has not closed down as well all the people on the street from teenagers to people in their 20's suggest reasons why even the highly self controlled Japanese cannot get their numbers down. I live in a tourist town, that's why I see so many young people, but normally there would be a good mix of older people.

Ellen Madono
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Re: Runny nose

Post by Ellen Madono »

He said that the old doctor who gave him antibiotics did not push the swab very high up his nose. That means if he has the coronavirus, not much got on the swab. So, when they make the coronavirus multiply in the lab, they start with a low number or none. Also, the doctor has to get close to the patient and struggle with him longer. If I were that old doctor, I would not want to do that.

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Re: Runny nose

Post by Roger »

Are you all familiar with what PCR does? It takes a tiny amount of DNA and multiplies it millions of times. Which means its not really a good test for this purpose, as the Nobel Prize winning inventor says. If he got tested 3 times and it came back negative, I would bet he has one of the hundreds of other things that can cause similar URT symptoms. Part of the method by which this whole CoVid “pandemic” is overblown. Not to say he isn’t very sick. Its the same way they blew up the “AIDS epidemic”.


Ellen Madono
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Re: Runny nose

Post by Ellen Madono »

what about all the people who test positive. They are false positives?

Posts: 137
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Re: Runny nose

Post by Roger »

They might have the virus but at low enough levels that it is not causing their disease. A co-infection that is non-symptomatic. PCR cant identify the cause of a disease, only the presence of the DNA at some level.

And its cynical on one hand to say, “We dont have enough test kits for CoVid.” and on the other hand, “Look how many cases of CoVid we have!!”. But everyone swallows it.

Wuhan had some of the worst pollution and highest rates of pneumonia in the world before this all started. They also had an early roll-out of 5G technology. Some of the highest rates of illness are in areas with the highest rollout of 5G. There is evidence that breakouts of illness with the same symptoms in the USA near bioweapons installations, were “masked” by calling it vaping disease or other illnesses. Itally has one of the oldest populations in Europe and the Italian govt admitted that most of the deaths were very old people who had one or more serious diseases. Half had 3.

This whole thing has been handled to cause maximum disruption, IMO.
They should have quarantined the 1-3% of the population at max risk (mostly retired or extremely sick) and let the rest of us carry on to keep the economy from cratering. I would prefer to be very sick for a couple weeks than bankrupt.

You heard about the conference with WHO, Bill Gates and Co. 6 weeks before this hit the news where they planned the management of all this?

The way it is being handled we will probably never know the truth.


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