Remedies used as vaccination

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Ellen Madono
Posts: 2012
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2003 10:00 pm

Remedies used as vaccination

Post by Ellen Madono »

Remedies used as vaccination
Using a homeopathic remedy when you do not have the disease symptoms but to "vaccinate" against epidemic disease, there is a treatment called homeopathic prophylaxis. Anyone who is treatened by an epidemic can use one remedy. That is, a group of people are treated with the same remedy. The homeopathy that I practice daily is based on the symptoms of the individual not the symptoms of a group. So, I lack personal experience with homeoprophylaxis.
First, a little about the remedy that is used in homeoprophylaxis? A contagious diseased tissue is used to make the remedy. It is called a nosode.
I am probably undermining your confidence in homeopathy, but I must tell you that the diseased tissue is diluted to the extent that a molecule of the tissue could not exist. The remedy in-the-making is diluted in a glass bottle which is then, is strongly banged on something like a book. According to Avagadro's number after dilutions 28 times in a ratio of 1 part remedy substance to 99 percent water, a molecule could not exist. In any case, the properties of the remedy continue to be held in the dilution liquid. Possibly molecules stick to the glass and are present even after such extreme dilution. But that explanation sound too Newtonian. For certain, homeopathy is not based on Newtonian physics. Homeopathic reactions occur at the nano level. So, what would I know about why such extreme dilution making an increasingly strong remedies the more they are diluted. Not much. Clinical experience confirms this so I treat it as fact. I want to say more, but I will only confuse you. Anyway, homeopaths rely on results not abstractions.
I found a study of the duck liver remedy. The study is cruel, yet it suggests that the duck liver helped the experimental mice to live longer after a lethal dose of influenza virus. Note, the dose of the influenza virus given to the mice to tests the remedy efficacy was lethal. In contrast, a coronavirus infection is not lethal at first. So, your chances of getting better results than those poor mice are high.
Why use duck liver? It is not an influenza virus. Duck liver happens to be a soup of all kinds of contagious viruses. That makes sense. Don't ducks swim in their cesspool pond which is a sewer for passing animals. Likewise, COVID-19 is not the same as influenza.
But, homeopathy works when the substances are not exactly the same. That is, bird flu is not exactly the same as all influenza viruses, but the initial symptoms are similar. Likewise, the coronavirus and the influenza virus differ, but the symptoms are similar, at least in the beginning.
Why mention symptoms? Homeopathy remedy selection is based on symptoms and for that reason, the consideration of the similarity of disease symptoms is essential to selecting homeopathic remedies. A slight difference in symptoms is often better than the symptoms of the exact same toxin.
The problem with this circumstantial evidence is the above remedies lack the testing that is necessary to know their symptoms. We use the disease symptoms, but these lack the detail found through homeopathic testing. Consequently, symptom matching is less realistic.
Happily, there is scientific evidence behind the claim of many good homeopaths who prepare weaker patients for epidemic disease using Oscillococcinum and also Influenzinum. (Influenzinum is a remedy made from the influenza virus of 1918 that killed between 20 and 40 million people worldwide) All of my teachers say homeopropholactic use of these remedies has been reliable in their practice.
Note that other uses of homeoprophylaxis rely on adding the symptoms of individuals affected by the same disease to find the general remedy for that disease. The basic idea is the same.
If I were to use homeoprophylaxis, I would give 200c healthy patients. If patients are hypersensitive on any level, emotional or physical or very weak, I would use 30c.
(C is for centesimal. 200c has been diluted 200c times in a ratio of 1:99. One part of the remedy substance is added to 99 parts of water or alcohol. Then the whole glass vial is vigorously shaken. That is one dilution.)
These comments are based on the following article: ... 38-1649487

There are several interesting studies using isopathy to treat epidemic diseases. As previously noted, Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic preparation made from duck heart and liver, thought by some to be a reservoir of influenza virus, although this has not been definitively proven. Oscillococcinum has been used successfully in a double-blind study to treat patients with influenza-like illness.[14 ] In another experiment, a nosode was made from tissues of mice infected with the bacterium causing tularemia, a tick-borne disease mostly found in animals but sometimes in humans.[15 ] Potencies of 30C, 200C, or 1M were given prophylactically to healthy mice for 30 days. Age-matched animals were treated at the same time with 70% ethanol as controls. After a challenge with a lethal dose of the bacterium, all those treated with the nosode (the toxic bacteria or virus), except those receiving the 1M, had statistically significant decreased mortality and increased mean times to death. The overall mortality rate was reduced by 22% in those treated with these nosodes (diseased tissues).
Ellen Madono

Dale Moss
Posts: 1544
Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2002 10:00 pm

Re: Remedies used as vaccination

Post by Dale Moss »

Dear Ellen,

I'm not clear what your aim is with this post.. Is it to persuade people to use homeopathy as prophylaxis? To convince them of its safety? Of its efficacy? I think Robin Murphy's charts on homeopathy's use in various epidemics do the job more quickly because they're visual and can be taken in at a glance.

If this is aimed at patients, it's probably more information than they need (especially the squeamish ones).


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