predictions the remedy for early symptoms

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Ellen Madono
Posts: 2012
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2003 10:00 pm

predictions the remedy for early symptoms

Post by Ellen Madono »

Paul Herscu's blog described remedies that might be used for the early stages of the Coronavirus. Now, he is taking back his words and telling us to wait. He is flying out to Washington State to Bastyr, his alma mater. I hope he is taking cases and others are reporting cases also.
This was in his latest newsletter.
Paul Herscu:
"Third, the ungrounded and inaccurate homeopathic treatment protocols developed by others are not useful. Please do not forward these. An accurate set of guidelines will be developed, but the current recommendations are not based on patient symptoms and are actually simply wrong."

His blog said that Gels was the most likely remedy. He seems to be having second thoughts. This really makes sense to me. He/we not only
have to see patients and prescribe a curative remedy, but that remedy has to work. Even if homeopaths are seeing patients now, if they are in the US, it is going to take time to find out if those remedies worked.
Ellen Madono

Dale Moss
Posts: 1544
Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2002 10:00 pm

Re: predictions the remedy for early symptoms

Post by Dale Moss »


As I wrote earlier, Herscu’s initial blogs referred to the epidemic INFLUENZA we’re seeing on the East Coast, which is, indeed, Gels. He’s not mentioned any remedies for corona virus because, as he notes, we don’t have accurate, detailed patient symptoms to guide us.

Yesterday, Manish Bhatia posted here his repertorization based on symptoms of Chinese patients as reported by WHO. Granted, these still lack the specificity we homeopaths like to see, but they make sense. Bryonia was the leading remedy, which makes sense based on the hard, dry, painful cough (especially painful in areas remote from the throat or chest), and slow onset.

BTW, just dealing with regular flu cases here, I realized that people (even those not new to homeopathy) have a hard time describing their symptoms; they don’t think in terms of the information we find helpful. I’m working on a questionnaire to e-mail to flu or pneumonia patients, based in large part on Robin Murphy’s case-taking guidelines for Covid-19 and its pneumonia. Maybe I won’t need it, but if we really do get a pandemic I want to be able to streamline my case-taking as much as possible.


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