RNA - Coronavirus disease 2019 - Birds can be healthy carriers of RNA viruses.

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Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2001 10:00 pm

RNA - Coronavirus disease 2019 - Birds can be healthy carriers of RNA viruses.

Post by Leilanae »


An RNA virus is a virus that has RNA (ribonucleic acid) as its genetic material .[1] This nucleic acid is usually single-stranded RNA (ssRNA ) but may be double-stranded RNA (dsRNA).[2] Notable human diseases caused by RNA viruses include Ebola virus disease , SARS , rabies , common cold , influenza , hepatitis C , hepatitis E , West Nile fever , polio , measles , and Coronavirus disease 2019 .

(Birds can be healthy carriers of RNA viruses.)

Question: If the young birds are considered healthy, why is Oscillo considered a Nosode (diseased)?
Oscillococcinum is listed as a nosode in Julian “Treatise of dynamized micro-immunotherapy” .
Sarcodes usually treat the similar organ. Oscillococcinum is not indicated for heart or liver disorders, but for flu-like symptoms.
Birds can be healthy carriers of RNA viruses.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions. Thank you.

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