In this forum, we have placed all the messages related to migrating the YahooGroup to this Forum so you can see what happened. These messages have been moved here from the YahooGroups Archive. The forum has been locked, no new posts allowed.
Vicki Satta
Posts: 394
Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:00 pm


Post by Vicki Satta »

I think it would great to connect with the students AND anbe a great place for all. I wrote to Maria last night. I will go there and if the group goes there AND we can move the files, I'll contribute $20 to the move if there is a common desire and the site can archive the mail.

To do:

Check with the doctor or his assistant to make sure it's okay. They already said it was. They know Maria. This move should be no problem.

Wait for Maria to talk to her tech people regarding space and consent from whomever needs to give us the ok.

Contact Ryan to see if he can help us schedule the move with Yahoo and make sure it's okay with Maria.
Send an email to the group and advise what the plan is.

Get a total YES and divide $220.00 to move uia ising Yahoo. Ask Maria if she wants her web team to do it... a see what Maria has to pay her tech people for the additional build out/storage space.

Determine the cost per person after Maria checks back. She may have to say no for some reason... so we better have an alternate. That chore would be Sourouch. (Sorry I don't remember how to spell your name.)

We need to figure out who will be responsible for collecting the $220 if we use Yahoo... we need a US CONTACT for the $$ or if Sourouch wants to build a new site w/email. Honestly, we don't have time for that.

If okay w/Maria, I'm going... with or without files. IMO... it makes no difference if the school has a business license. Perhaps it's a good thing because we know that everything is well managed and operated by a person we know and trust. Further, those of us who aren't homeopaths might be able to take classes.

This is the best thing we can do. Maria is there and she knows what she is doing. Somebody PLEASE volunteer to coordinate with Maria.

I will look for Ryan's email address... hopefully he can schedule a Yahoo team to do the work (((IF NECESSARY)))... I have a vision of a successful transfer, new people to get to know, and ... a happy HOMEOPATHY future

This is perfect IMO...VICKI


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