Consider Transfer of Ownership?

In this forum, we have placed all the messages related to migrating the YahooGroup to this Forum so you can see what happened. These messages have been moved here from the YahooGroups Archive. The forum has been locked, no new posts allowed.
Debra Lamana
Posts: 120
Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:00 pm

Consider Transfer of Ownership?

Post by Debra Lamana »

If the owner of this Group does not have the time to contribute to the decision making about a move to a new location, perhaps it can be suggested to him to transfer ownership of the Group to Soroush or someone here, who, in partnership with Group input, will be able to make necessary decisions and take action within the deadlines coming up.

Ownership transfer of this Yahoo Group might need to be the first step taken to allow necessary decisions to be made about a new location and transfer of archived messages and Files. Deb L.

Vicki Satta
Posts: 394
Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:00 pm

Re: Consider Transfer of Ownership?

Post by Vicki Satta »

Consiegre or something like that. He is TOP LEVEL Yahoo customer service here to help resolve this chaos. Let Barbara talk to him and then he group and push everyone to do what Ryan says. Stop the panic. Everything will be okay.
Ryan told me that ownership is easy to solve. Just do what he says. PLEASE.


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