YG changes

In this forum, we have placed all the messages related to migrating the YahooGroup to this Forum so you can see what happened. These messages have been moved here from the YahooGroups Archive. The forum has been locked, no new posts allowed.
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:00 pm

YG changes

Post by Trish »

Thank you all for doing everything you can to keep all the contacts and
content and to make the short in such a short time. I didn't notice this
mentione d(but haven't read everything especially if all messages will
now be sent individually) but has io groups been considered? I am
terribly non-techie but have noticed a number of the groups I am in are
making that move....though for me the instructions have been too
difficult for my non-techie understanding thus far :)



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