Psoriasis question

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Linda Birkmann
Posts: 20
Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:00 pm

Psoriasis question

Post by Linda Birkmann »

My son, 33 yr old suffers terribly with this
It looks mostly like circles or rings and spots, a few plaque.
Eats a lot of veggies & fruits, mainly chicken/turkey for meat.
He was in a horrific head on collision about 12 yr ago, broke all 4 limbs. Still has a steel plate in left wrist, and a plate in right fore arm. The leg rods were removed app 2 yr after the accident. Otherwise very good health.
He doesn't want drugs, in desperation he does use a spray on steroid when it gets really bad.
Tried glutinous free diet for a month, no difference.
Thank you in advance

Linda Birkmann
Pussetoe Birmans

Shannon Nelson
Posts: 8848
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Re: Psoriasis question

Post by Shannon Nelson »

Hi Linda,

First question, when did the psoriasis begin? Was it lifelong, or more recent?

A few other thoughts. First, it could be worth considering whether the remaining two plates can be removed, because for at least some people (including myself) they are a stress on the body, could possibly (or possibly not!) make other healing more difficult. (And if they are still needed, of course, then forget that idea!)

Second, the obvious suggestion would be to have him see a well qualified homeopath! Since it’s a chronic condition, it should be managed in context of “the whole case”, far less straightforward than treating injuries or acutes.

And third, a suggestion from the “Off-Topic” file: ... d-oil.html
A friend has had almost miraculous results with this on her dog’s… hm, it wasn’t psoriasis, I think it was a long running and worsening allergic reaction to flea bites. But was pretty bad, and spreading. This is one of the things that I take (or other reasons) when I remember, seems to have a lot to recommend it! Note, “black seed oil”, or “black cumin oil”, same thing, you want Nigella savita. I read that it’s not actually cumin, but has a rather similar taste.

I’m guessing that this might work about as well as the spray on steroid, and would certainly be more healthful for him!

Best wishes,

Bob Needham
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Re: Psoriasis question

Post by Bob Needham »

Here are a few thoughts to consider Linda.

Rudy Verspoor's book, Homeopathy Renewed, approaches traumas as blocks to healing.
He fully describes what remedies to consider when treating various traumas through a process of Sequential Therapy. I have used this many times in the past and witnessed good results. However these results will most likely come with a healing reaction. I had a case a few months back, where I felt the sudden death of a family pet was blocking very well indicated remedies from working. Nat Mur is a classic remedy for unresolved grief. With the patient's agreement we ventured upon an experiment wherein I used Nat Mur in the Fibonacci potency. The result was that the patient never experienced a healing reaction. They had for the first time in their life a feeling of closure and had accepted the loss with only good pleasant past memories. Something they had not felt with prior losses. We went back and repeated treatment with the well indicated remedy and got the results we both wanted. You may find his book well worthwhile.

Recently I treated a case sounding very similar to your son's with Rhus tox. The key modalities specific to this case was that the condition was aggravated by warmth (room/bed/clothing). but soothed by hot water applications; wherein Rhus, was the only remedy of the group having these modalities.
Another remedy consideration could be Berberis Vulgaris, which can have ring or arc-shaped skin inflammations. Often these symptoms are accompanied by itching.

Hope you find this of help


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Re: Psoriasis question

Post by Heidi »

GMOs, herbicides like glyphosate (which is also used on non-GMO crops as dessicant), and wheat cause leaky gut which causes inflammation. Animal products are inflammatory as well.

Maybe he can try to go fully organic and omit animal products for a while to see how he's doing.


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Re: Psoriasis question

Post by Leilanae »

Need to take the whole case................
Here are some rubrics to get you started:

These are from Complete Dynamics online rep.
---In, wrote :
My son, 33 yr old suffers terribly with this
It looks mostly like circles or rings and spots, a few plaque.
Eats a lot of veggies & fruits, mainly chicken/turkey for meat.
He was in a horrific head on collision about 12 yr ago, broke all 4 limbs. Still has a steel plate in left wrist, and a plate in right fore arm. The leg rods were removed app 2 yr after the accident. Otherwise very good health.
He doesn't want drugs, in desperation he does use a spray on steroid when it gets really bad.
Tried glutinous free diet for a month, no difference.
Thank you in advance

Linda Birkmann
Pussetoe Birmans

Shannon Nelson
Posts: 8848
Joined: Fri Jun 28, 2002 10:00 pm

Re: Psoriasis question

Post by Shannon Nelson »

BUT the “you” that goes with the “started” needs to be someone well trained in working with chronic cases (which this is), and familiar with miasms, “direction of cure” etc… Which takes us back to, “find a homeopath…”

Linda Birkmann
Posts: 20
Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:00 pm

Re: Psoriasis question

Post by Linda Birkmann »

Hi, I live in Waterloo Ontario Canada
Finding a good homeopath is very difficult
My son went to a natural path who said go gluten free
and it would resolve, which it didn't make any difference.
I should have also stated that the psoriasis was already
there long before the accident he was in.
I do appreciate all the advice and I am trying to find a real
homeopathic instead of someone pretending to be one
Linda Birkmann
Pussetoe Birmans

Ginny Wilken
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Re: Psoriasis question

Post by Ginny Wilken »

Well, lucky you, to be living so conveniently to Joe Kellerstein, who is in Oshawa and Toronto. Look him up at He is a master at chronic cases. He can also work by phone or Skype.

Ginny Wilken

Posts: 1073
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2001 10:00 pm

Re: Psoriasis question

Post by Leilanae »

Going to try and paste this again:

Posts: 1073
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2001 10:00 pm

Re: Psoriasis question

Post by Leilanae »

Hummmm..............some things don't paste!



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