Conium--tactical question

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Shannon Nelson
Posts: 8848
Joined: Fri Jun 28, 2002 10:00 pm

Conium--tactical question

Post by Shannon Nelson »

A friend is having a terrible round of trouble with Poison Hemlock growing near her new home. Years back she had another episode with the same plant. I don’t have a case, but she’s talking about pains, inflammation to the respiratory tract, exhaustion, and I don’t remember what else — but they are nicely covered by the prescribing picture of Conium (made from Poison Hemlock), and in fact it has been “the only thing that’s helped” her — I think just used in 30c potency so far.

Does anyone here have experience with this type of situation?
I’m guessing that a Fibonacci series (or plasma?) would be appropriate?


Tanya Marquette
Posts: 5602
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Re: Conium--tactical question

Post by Tanya Marquette »

We have Poison Ivy around here on the east coast. I would get the worst cases that lasted from April till cold weather which seemed the only thing
able to stop the histamine reaction. Many rx tried. Sx rep'd out as Rhus tox which never helped. Was taking a course one summer with Joel Kreisberg who had written a treatise on Poison Oak, Poison Ivy and Poison Sumac? which is in print. I got to class one day with my face horrifically swollen and he took a most brief case and said Rhus venenata, a more virulent toxin. It has worked acutely ever since every summer. 30c would work for beginning cases with succeeding cases in the season needing 200c. There were cases where 1M was used to bring it under control.

If Conium works in your friend's case, then stay with it and try to work constitutionally off season to build resistence to the poison.


Shannon Nelson
Posts: 8848
Joined: Fri Jun 28, 2002 10:00 pm

Re: Conium--tactical question

Post by Shannon Nelson »

Thanks, Tanya.
So have you stopped reacting to it so violently, or just moved to a different area? Just curious!

Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD
Posts: 2279
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Re: Conium--tactical question

Post by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD »

F is always appropriate....:-)....
Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD.

"The greatest enemy of any science is a closed mind"

Shannon Nelson
Posts: 8848
Joined: Fri Jun 28, 2002 10:00 pm

Re: Conium--tactical question

Post by Shannon Nelson »

That’s what I was thinking. :-)
Would the single potencies series be more appropriate for the situation than a plasma?

Also, I assume that for this type of use, I probably wouldn’t continue all the way up the scale — or would I?

Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD
Posts: 2279
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Re: Conium--tactical question

Post by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD »

It depends.

If Conium is a deep remedy, a true Simillimum or her Core remedy, then a series of individual potencies is indicated. If you will use it as a symptomatic treatment while digging deeper, a low potency plasma would be better.

Dr. J. Rozencwajg, NMD.

"The greatest enemy of any science is a closed mind"

Tanya Marquette
Posts: 5602
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Re: Conium--tactical question

Post by Tanya Marquette »

Neither. The biggest difference is I lost my last cat 2 summers ago. My cats would walk thru the stuff and
then lie on my furniture or clothes and me. I would get it from them even thru a blanket! The next difference

is the remedy which I take as soon as I see any signs of PI which prevents it from getting so bad. I also paid

someone last year to pull out the PI from an area in front and side of my house that was becoming increasingly full of

PI. Can you believe there is someone who has made a business of pulling out PI for people! This stuff is so
aggressive it was even growing up the house and pushing its way behind the window trim and into my house.

The second year it did that was when I called in this guy and had him clean out the inside of my house as well

as the outside. And will say that I did try homeopathy to kill off the stuff but the rx couldn't even touch it.


Ellen Madono
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Re: Conium--tactical question

Post by Ellen Madono »

I have heard that poison ivy responds better to it’s relative anacardium than to Rhus-t. But, I have not experience. Rhus-v is even better, or it fit Tanya better?

Dale Moss
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Re: Conium--tactical question

Post by Dale Moss »

It may also be a question of potency. I had a nasty case of PI that was spreading fast (though only a tiny area of my wrist had been touched). Lower potencies of Rhus-tox. did nothing. But a single dose of 10 M stopped it in its tracks -- and my knees felt great for months!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab® S

Bob Needham
Posts: 354
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Re: Conium--tactical question

Post by Bob Needham »

Hi Dale
What was happening with your knees; a rheumatic condition or did I miss something here ?


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